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Combien de temps avant de mettre des poissons dans un nouveau bassin ?

How long before putting fish in a new pond?

Building a pond is hard work. It also requires determination and substantial financial investments. That said, these obstacles are usually not enough to make an enthusiast give up. For many, owning and caring for a pond quickly becomes natural.

More often than not, many people build a new pond for the purpose of putting fish in it. And yet, the settlement of a new basin does not happen suddenly. In this article, we will try to guide you on the appropriate waiting time before putting fish in a new tank.

Prerequisites to consider before putting fish in a pond

Technical knowledge

Before thinking about putting fish in your new pond, it is necessary to learn and educate yourself on the subject. Rigor, precision and delicacy are required, as well as a number of fairly advanced technical skills.

And for good reason, adequate learning will guarantee, among other things, that the fish will be healthy. It also helps to avoid making mistakes, which could be harmful to your new boarders.

materials and products

As we said above, this passion for pools can be expensive in the long term. Equipment and products will take up a large part of the budget, so you might as well prepare for it! While one can often make do with what is available, the pond will require a different degree of attention from its owner.


On the sidelines, it will also be necessary to consider the time: it is a not insignificant factor before putting fish in a new basin. It will also play an essential role in the different cycles through which the basin will pass. Finally, it must be remembered that nature cannot be pushed around. Some things will therefore require a waiting time, more or less long depending on the situation.

Populating a new basin: the recommended waiting time

The maintenance of aquatic fauna and flora is an occupation that requires a lot of patience. And this patience is essential from the moment you decide to put fish in your new pond. In other words, introducing fish to a new tank is just one of several steps. In addition to the indications of rigor to be respected, it will therefore be necessary to take care to respect a certain chronology.

Of course, alternative procedures are often put forward to reduce these waiting times. They are particularly advanced to allow you to populate a pool in record time. Instead, we recommend sticking to the recommended natural wait time. In general, it is easy to count a minimum of 30 days before thinking about putting fish in a pond.

A minimum of thirty days for the nitrogen cycle

The nitrogen cycle, what is it?

In clearer terms, this minimum of thirty days of waiting is necessary for the nitrogen cycle to take place. This installation is therefore a prerequisite before putting fish in a new tank. This particular cycle is of paramount importance for the fauna and aquatic fauna of your pond.

It is a process composed of different phases. It will therefore take place in relation to the plants present in the pond. The nitrogen cycle is a natural phenomenon. It arises from the transformation of chemical substances, and takes place in the basin itself.

The time for the establishment of the nitrogen cycle

In detail, this cycle starts as soon as you fill your pool with water. The ammonia that will emerge from your soil will very quickly turn into nitrites. Then, these nitrites will degrade before being assimilated by the plants in the pond. Thanks to photosynthesis, these aquatic plants will create oxygen and nourish the entire pond.

During these different phases of the nitrogen cycle, the water in the bassi will be very polluted. In particular, it will be very toxic to fish. This pollution and toxicity are all the more alarming during nitrate production. It is therefore not possible to think of populating your pond with fish during the nitrogen cycle.

A diagram illustrating the different stages of the nitrogen cycle |

This cycle takes about four weeks to set up. Some experts even recommend double that waiting time! At the end of this period, the next step is to carry out water tests. This will allow, among other things, to know where the famous nitrogen cycle is. If the tests prove satisfactory, you can now consider putting fish in your new pond.

Bacteria active in promoting the nitrogen cycle

At the same time, it can be good to know that the nitrogen cycle can be optimized and made more efficient. For this, it is advisable to introduce bacteria into the pond, just after filling it with water. These active bacteria will promote better degradation of chemical substances throughout the nitrogen cycle. We are of course talking about the transformation of nitrites into nitrates, and so on.

Ancient basins and the nitrogen cycle

Finally, it should be noted that respecting and implementing the nitrogen cycle is also important for an old pool that has been cleaned or completely renewed with water. Therefore, we will not put fish in an old pool that has been completely cleaned. It will be necessary to ensure a good prior establishment of the nitrogen cycle. As with new pools, there will be a minimum of four weeks of waiting.

Put fish in a new pond in 24 hours flat

Those who are in a hurry to put fish in their new ponds must resolve to another alternative. That of introducing certain very active bacteria into their ponds. The result ? The possibility of putting the fish in 24 hours.

Products to accelerate the nitrogen cycle

Although these products have proven their effectiveness on several occasions, the nitrogen cycle sometimes risks not settling in properly. In other words, the nitrite level of the pond could climb higher than the normal level.

It will of course be necessary to carry out water tests, and to carry out the water changes correctly. This will, among other things, significantly reduce the nitrite and nitrate levels in the pool. After the establishment of the nitrogen cycle and the completion of satisfactory water tests , we can now put the fish.

The recommended quantity of fish to put in a pond

Finally, it will be necessary to take care of the quantity of fish that one plans to put. Do not put too much at once! Otherwise, the level of nitrites in the pond may rise and make the water toxic to fish.

Initially, the ideal is to be content with introducing only a few fish. As a reference, we can start with 20 fish for 200 liters of water. This will be more than enough for a new pool.

Previous article How do you prevent soil from mixing with water when preparing baskets of aquatic plants?


Hounkanrin - January 29, 2024

Bonjour je suis propriétaire d’un bassin de 100m2 ça vien d’être construit j’attends combien de temps pour mettre les poissons dedans

Charles lapierre - September 10, 2023

Je suis énormément à la recherche de conseils pour gérer mes bassins.
J’ai un premier bassin de 200m3
Il a 20 ans et beaucoup de vase
J’ai des veilles carpes koi qui se portaient très bien
J’ai installé cette automne des bulleurs qui avec le temps se sont enfoncés dans la vase !
J’ai introduit près de 70 carpes koi toutes tailles confondues
Il y a un mois un très gros orage à eu lieu et depuis c’est l’hécatombe !
J’ai apporté aussi beaucoup trop à manger pendant l’hiver
Je suis sur une eau de source avec trop-plein et une station de pompage professionnelle
Pourriez-vous m’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe ?

De plus je viens de créer un nouveau bassin de 70m3
De même sur eau de source testé très positif pour les kois
Le bassin est donc en eau stagnante depuis 2 semaines avec plantes epuratrisses

Merci pour tout vos conseils
Je n’hésiterai pas à vous conseiller si l’un de vos experts peut se pencher sur les questions

Charles lapierre

FANGUIN CHRISTIAN - April 27, 2023

J ai une barre en fer dans mon bassin qui colore l’eau par sa rouille.
Faut-il l’enlever avant de mettre des plantes et des poisson?
Merci par avance pour votre réponse.

fontaine jean louis - June 22, 2022

bonjour je suis nouveau proprietaire d un bassin de 1000 litres et je connais pas les bonnes base pour le choix des plantes et des poissons pouvez vous me faire partager vos savoirs merci

fontaine jean louis - June 22, 2022

bonjour je suis nouveau proprietaire d un bassin de 1000 litres et je connais pas les bonnes base pour le choix des plantes et des poissons pouvez vous me faire partager vos savoirs merci

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