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Comment avoir une eau cristalline dans un aquarium?

How to have crystal clear water in an aquarium?

How to have crystal clear water in an aquarium? Aquarists appreciate the natural scenery an aquarium provides. It is for this reason that they want to see their fish swimming in crystal clear water. The colors of aquatic plants, roots and pebbles are best enhanced in pure water.

But, to purify the water, it is necessary to take care of the environment of its inhabitant. And this is timely, because today we are explaining to you how to keep water crystal clear in an aquarium.

4 solutions to have crystal clear water in your aquarium

The pleasure of looking at crystal clear water contributes to the well-being of the aquarist. Clear water is primarily an aesthetic element that introduces a natural space into a home. But, it is also an indicator of the state of your aquarium. Indeed, water quality is a good indicator to ensure the good health of animals and plants. Clean water guarantees the proper functioning of the ecosystem made up of fish, plants and bacteria. So, here are 4 effective solutions to see crystal clear water in your aquarium.

1. Choose a self-cleaning aquarium

A natural solution is to use a self-cleaning aquarium. Its operation is based on the recycling of waste into nutrients. In fact, organic matter released by fish and aquatic plants serves as food for bacteria. These microorganisms convert waste into nutrients for the plants growing above the vivarium. The water that rotates in a closed circuit transports the nutrients to the plants which load the aquarium with oxygen.

2. Change pump to choose a more efficient model

A second solution for purifying aquarium water is filtration. This is why it is important to choose the most efficient water pump. You will easily find the pump that corresponds to the capacity of your tank on the market. The larger the volume of the tank, the greater the flow rate and the power of the pump. In general, filter pumps help maintain water purity in large aquariums. For small aquariums, mixing or oxygenation systems are perfectly suitable.

3. Change the water in the aquarium often

The most time-consuming solution is frequent water changes. This activity can be practiced as a hobby. This involves replacing 10-20% of dirty water with clean water every week. Add to that a total monthly emptying if necessary. These operations also make it possible to wash the internal walls and the bottom of the vivarium. In this way, the smallest dirt is removed and the clarity of the water is guaranteed.

4. Add bacteria to cloudy water

Another solution is to disperse bacteria in the aquarium that can digest organic matter. Polluted water clears up as you add these microorganisms. The quantity and rate of this treatment are indicated on the vial of bacteria. Efficient tank filtration enhances the action of bacteria. Use charcoal filters to get crystal clear water.

Have crystal clear water in your aquarium: what to remember!

The image of crystal clear water in a clean aquarium delights aquarium enthusiasts. In addition to the aesthetic side, it is the vitality of the ecosystem that is ensured. In fact, clear water allows your fish to thrive in a healthy environment. Your aquatic plants are also protected from pollution. Finally, their colors will be highlighted under perfect lighting.

So, consider applying one of the solutions given in this article. And for more information on aquarium water purification, check out our blog!

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kamal guers - January 29, 2024

est ce que je peux mettre des guppys dans mon aquarium planté,et jai des danio et tetra couleur et un gyrino et un barbeau a raie noir

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