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Comment nettoyer un aquarium Biorb?

How to clean a Biorb aquarium?

How to clean a BiOrb aquarium? Wondering how to easily maintain a BiOrb type aquarium? We explain everything below in the micro-guide (in partnership with

How to maintain your aquarium in depth?

Any self-respecting aquarist should maintain his aquarium thoroughly every 3 weeks or so (in addition to weekly water changes). In this article, we will explain how to maintain your aquarium in depth. So follow these 8 steps to clean your aquarium properly.

What tools to collect for the maintenance of your aquarium?

To clean your aquarium thoroughly you will need these elements

  • Bucket ;
  • Siphon for aquarium;
  • Squeegee;
  • Brush ;
  • Clamp;
  • Pair of scissors ;
  • Small towel;
  • Absorbent paper ;
  • Special window cleaner.

8 steps to maintain your aquarium in depth

Step 1: prune your plants

Be careful, it is essential to unplug your filter before putting your hands in the water.

You may have live plants like stem plants in your aquarium. In this case, it is better to start by cutting them. Use a pair of scissors and trim your plants using the surface of the water as a guide. Finally, if you have floating plants, remove half of them so your fish get enough light and oxygen.

Step 2: clean the decorations of your aquarium

Once the plants are pruned, you can move on to the second step: cleaning your decorations. For more effective maintenance, take them out of the aquarium to clean them better. Here, it can be resin decorations, artificial plants, roots, rocks, pebbles...

Step 3: clean the interior panes of the aquarium

It is perfectly normal for algae to settle on its interior windows. Use a squeegee, multi-tool or magnet to get them off, depending on your preference.

For this step, we recommend that you wear long waterproof gloves. This will help keep your hands warm and dry. And if you encounter a stubborn stain of dirt or algae, use a scraper or a magnetic scraper.

Step 4: Siphon the water and clean the aquarium floor

If there was one step to remember to maintain your aquarium in depth, it would be this one. The fourth step is to change the water in your aquarium. For this you will need an aquarium vacuum (siphon). Pass it close to the ground to remove the largest debris. The bucket will be used here to collect the water that you will remove from your aquarium.

Good to know: on average, you have to remove between 10 and 30% of the water each week depending on the efficiency of your filter, the volume of your aquarium and your fish population.

Step 5: maintain the filter in the bucket

Take advantage of the bucket to maintain and clean your filter. Filter media should never be run under tap water. Its freshness and chlorine would kill all the good bacteria. Once your filter has been thoroughly cleaned, remember to add water.

Step 6: fill the aquarium

All you have to do is fill the aquarium with water drawn 24-28 hours in advance. Thus, they will be at room temperature and the chlorine will be evacuated! This change of water is essential because it integrates new trace elements and evacuates excess nitrate.

Step 7: Gently place the decorations in the jar and replace the filter

Now that your aquarium is perfectly clean, remove the decorations and the filter while ensuring the safety of your fish.

Step 8: clean the outside of the aquarium panes

Now that the inside of your aquarium is nice and clean, clean the outside of your aquarium using paper and special window cleaner. Also be sure to remove dust from the lid, stand and lights.

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