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La bonne façon d’entretenir une piscine en polyester

The right way to maintain a polyester swimming pool

The right way to maintain a polyester swimming pool

You have put the shell of your pool in place and it is ready to be used. You will enjoy your recreation space, but be aware that if you do not carry out regular maintenance, you may have unpleasant surprises.

Mistakes to avoid

The maintenance of a polystyrene swimming pool is not complex, but a lack of knowledge in this matter may lead to an unexpected situation. First of all, don't see maintenance as a chore, but rather a way to prolong your swim. It is necessary to maintain the right water balance through different parameters such as TAC, Th and pH. Nothing could be simpler with reliable tests that you must perform once a week. Twice a year, check other elements such as phosphate levels, hydrocyanic acid, salts or the amount of copper. Another mistake made by many people, thinking that a robot relieves you of regular cleaning. Admittedly, the robot will allow you to maintain your polyester swimming pool, but you must carry out manual brushing regularly, particularly in places likely to accommodate algae, that is to say at the level of the nooks, at the level of the steps of your staircase and on the water line. The last mistake is washing the filter too regularly. You have a witness on your pressure gauge and it will tell you the precise moment to carry out its cleaning. If unfortunately you do not have a visual indicator, the cleaning runs when you notice a backflow from the pool.

What treatment should be used on the shell of a polyester swimming pool?

When you have not yet filled your pool, a thorough cleaning is required on all the polyester walls, but also on the bottom of your pool and on the waterline. To remove the various visible and non-visible dirt, use a specific product such as the 5 L CTX-53 descaler. It is a very effective chemical product allowing you to neutralize many impurities, in particular the cynical acid which may have formed over the years on the walls of your polyester swimming pool. To use it properly, completely empty your pool and let the product act for 30 minutes on the bottom and walls of the pool. All you have to do is rinse everything and of course do not keep the water that was used for cleaning.

Vigilance on water filtering

Invest directly in the necessary equipment for water filtration. Disinfectant products will then be used and distributed regularly to maintain and protect the shell of your pool. It is a simple way to carry out maintenance and to have pure water. A maintenance kit is also a profitable investment consisting of a landing net to pick up waste on the surface, a wall brush, a vacuum cleaner broom and, as a bonus, a floating hose. In this way, you will be able to neutralize the various impurities in the smallest corners of your pool.

What are the popular methods for water maintenance?

Different methods exist on the market, but choose only the one that suits your situation. The most common solution is to switch to chlorine. In the trade or in specialized shops, you will be able to acquire it in the form of powder or pebbles. It is a complete action, but be careful if you have a certain skin sensitivity, because you could have an allergic reaction. If so, choose bromine. It is a particularly effective chemical compound for continuous disinfection. If, on the other hand, your objective is to eliminate micro-organisms, it will be imperative to use ultraviolet radiation treatment. However, these products do not act as disinfectants, they are rather a complementary solution to limit the proliferation of algae. Finally, salt treatment is still recommended to transform this substance into chlorine. A chlorinator is then required, but for efficiency to be present, invest in a quality device from the start. Now you know the right solutions for maintaining your polyester swimming pool.
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