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Comment attirer la biodiversité dans un jardin à l'aide d'une mare naturelle?

How to attract biodiversity in a garden using a natural pond?

How to attract biodiversity in a garden using a natural pond?

Improving biodiversity is one of the most valuable ecological functions that gardens can perform. When properly designed and maintained, they become authentic refuges for native flora and fauna. And that's not all, because if we do what is necessary, public parks and private gardens will become refuges for wildlife, serving as passageways for birds and insects on their migratory journey.

But how to get it? What should you do to make your garden a biodiversity paradise? It is very simple ! In this article, we give you some practical tips to achieve this easily by adding simple actions that are within your reach.

Install a small wild natural pond

If space is limited, even a small pond can provide a fantastic habitat for insects and aquatic creatures. These in turn will attract other wild animals such as birds and hedgehogs. If designed and planted carefully, you can use it to provide nature with an amazing variety of different wetlands, all in a relatively small space.

When choosing plants for a mini pond you will need a range of plants, just like for a larger pond, to ensure that it stays clear and to create a range of habitats that can attract effectively wildlife. However, be sure to simply choose species that over time will not grow even larger. Forget-me-not, buttercup, and marsh marigold are all good for small spaces, for example.

Choose plants that help amphibians reproduce

In addition to looking beautiful and helping to keep your pond clean, many plants are worth choosing for the specific refuges they provide for amphibians. Water lilies provide shelter for fragile frogs and tadpoles, while you can often find individual newt eggs nestled in the swamp forget-me-not.

Invertebrates love wetland plants too

Buttercup flowers, which look like buttercups, provide important food that attracts bees, butterflies and other insects. Water mint can be used to flavor food and drink, while attracting butterflies like tortoiseshell and peacock. Attract dragonflies to your garden with tall, slender submerged plants. The stems of Eurasian watermilfoil provide the perfect place for dragonflies and damselflies to lay their eggs.

Avoid the fish

As pretty as they are, the fish are to be avoided. They gobble up most of the other creatures that make garden ponds so fascinating and usually need to be given extra food, which adds a lot of nutrients to the pond. Fish are very often a problem in small, enclosed ponds, although there are other ways to keep them without costing the biodiversity of your garden.

Make sure small animals can get in and out

When building your pond, make sure the margins are reasonably wide and shallow. This will allow easy access for animals, encourage stronger plant growth and provide warmer water areas which will speed the development of tadpoles and many other animals.

However, if there is a raised edge, you can add natural "steps" with rocks and lengths to help small creatures get in and out easily. You can also think about the location of the pond: a sunny, sheltered spot surrounded by logs and hedges will provide shelter for prey species before attracting several other insects that are sure to take advantage of such a friendly space. than your garden.

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