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Comment augmenter le kh d'un étang ou d'un bassin?

How to increase the kh of a pond or basin?

How to increase the kh of a pond or basin? How to increase the kh of a pond?

Monitoring water quality is essential to ensure the health of a pond.

With poor quality water, there is a great risk that many problems will develop (sick fish, cloudy water, algae, etc.). Some parameters are to be closely monitored, in particular the measurement of the kh, which is essential.

What is the kh value?

The kh value is also called carbonate hardness or temporary hardness. Also referred to as antacid strength. It is a value to watch closely, especially in a fish pond. Carbonate is the chemical element that appears when CO2 (carbon dioxide) combines with calcium or magnesium in the pool.

=> Discover our solutions for testing KH in ponds right here.

This then becomes an important source of CO2 available for the flora of the basin. So that algae and aquatic plants always have carbon dioxide available in order to be able to develop, the level of kh must be sufficient and stabilized . This kh will also buffer the pH.

pH and kh link

When the carbonate hardness (kh) decreases, the acidity of the basin increases which implies a drop in pH. In cold periods, autumn and winter, the development of the flora of the pond stagnates, the growth of plants stops in the pond and the kh increases because there is less demand for CO2, which implies a rise in the pH. There is therefore an obvious link between the hardness of water and its acidity.

A pond owner's goal will be to keep their water balanced, or “buffered”. By maintaining a balanced kh, the pH will be able to remain stable despite the addition of small quantities of acidic or basic products. This is the guarantor of an absence of sudden variations in pH. An imbalance of kh, on the contrary, can make the water too acidic or basic, which could greatly harm the fauna and flora of the basin.

Causes of an imbalanced kh

A good kh should always be between 6 and 12°. It is possible to measure this value by a simple rapid test . The causes of low kh are often related to the low lime content of the water used to fill the pond. But we must not forget that the kh is representative of the calcium level of the pelvis.

This kh therefore decreases because it is "consumed" by aquatic fauna and flora. If the water is not renewed regularly, especially after a rainy episode, it is therefore likely that the kh will decrease sharply and unbalance the pH of the water by making it too acidic.

Consequences of an unbalanced kh

An unbalanced or too low kh will make the pool subject to pH variations. Thus, a pH that is too low, and therefore acidic, will prevent plants from developing and could be fatal to the most fragile fish.

The pool water could become cloudy, preventing the development of good bacteria and promoting the development of algae that are harmful to the correct chemical balance of the water. The fish, asphyxiated, would be subject to disease.

Furthermore, water pollutants would no longer be controlled. In fact, the entire ecosystem of the basin would be endangered. This is why it is necessary to monitor this value before it is too late and to have the necessary products to quickly remedy this problem.

How to raise the kh value of a basin?

There are various products available on the market such as AQUIPOND KH+ which is a powder that increases the carbonate hardness of pool water and improves its chemical quality.

Produced with mineral salts and trace elements, it reinforces the effect of bacteria and improves the biological filtration of the pool . It also helps in the mineralization of muds and causes the precipitation of phosphates, which makes the water clearer.

It is a treatment to have permanently and to use in the recommended quantities as soon as the kh of the basin becomes too low. How to use the Aquipond KH+? It takes 2 measures / M³ of water to rise an average of two units.

EX: If I have 10M³ of water, and my KH is 5 and I want to raise it to 7. I have to take 2 measurements per M³ of water once. So 20 bars. In 1KG of Aquipond KH+, there are 40 measures.

EX more complicated: If I have 7M³ and my KH+ is at 3°, and we want to go back to 7. You therefore need a first treatment with 14 measures (7M³ X 2 measures), to go back to 5. Then , after 48 hours, we put 14 measures back to reach 7.

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How and when to measure the kh of a basin?

To measure the kh of a basin or pond, it is possible to use strip tests . They are fast and very convenient. They are, however, the least accurate tests. Dosage powders are more reliable and fairly quick to use.

But they are impractical when used outdoors. Finally, there are kits offering liquid reagents . They are slower to react, but ultimately quite practical.

Supplied with a syringe and a test tube, they make it possible to recover very reliable analyses. After filling the pool with water, measurements must be taken at least once a week for the first few times. But once the pool has found its balance, a test at the start of the season, then a test at each particular event will suffice (introduction of new species, work, appearance of algae, etc.).

Oyster shells to help chemical treatments

In addition to treatments sold on the market, oyster shells can help improve their functioning over the long term. Indeed, placed in the basin, they help to ensure the regulation of kh and pH.

When the kh drops, the pelvis tends to become acidic. This causes a dissolution of the oyster shell which is largely composed of limestone. The latter, released into the water, thus causes the desired effect by slowing down the drop in carbonate hardness.

This process helps in the long term to stabilize the kh value, and thus that of the pH of the pond water. It will be enough just to replace the shells when they are completely dissolved. On average, one bag of oyster shells is sufficient each year for a pond volume of 10m3.

Monitoring the chemical parameters of a pool may seem tedious, but many tools now make it easier to monitor the water balance, and modify it if necessary, in order to maintain a quality and pleasant ecosystem. observe.

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DURBIZE - February 3, 2024

Comment faire remonter le KH de mon bassin

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