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Choisir un aspirateur pour étangs et bassins : découvrez les Pondovac d'Oase !

Choosing a vacuum cleaner for ponds and ponds: discover the Pondovacs from Oase!

Are you about to choose your next pond vacuum? Then this article should be of interest to you. We recently discussed how to vacuum sludge from a pond , raising the important choice of vacuum cleaner.

Today we are going to take a few minutes to showcase a range of different vacuum cleaners offered by Oase Living Water. In the same vein, we will take the opportunity to explain the difference between the different models, and detail their use a little.

Pondovacs from Oase: vacuum cleaners that are easy to use and maintain

As you might expect, there are different models of vacuum cleaners. These are generally ranked from least powerful to most powerful. We are going to look particularly at the Pondovac range, which offers vacuum cleaners that are easy to use and literally multifunctional.

These devices are therefore used to vacuum the pools, but not only. Indeed, they can also be used for other functions, such as the suction of a filter . At the same time, you can even use it to vacuum a cellar, or even vacuum somewhere where you have water.

The different vacuum cleaners of the Pondovac series, by Oase Living Water

In other words, the Pondovacs from Oase Living Water are easy to use devices. They are also convenient for maintenance. And for good reason, we won't have to turn them off, open them and drain them . These models drain automatically! Of course, this always implies that the emptying principle is different depending on the model.

The Pondovac Classic from Oase

We start the list with the Pondovac Classic with a power of 1400 W , and designed by Oase Living Water. The Pondovac Classic will therefore be suitable for small pools, ideally with a capacity of 250 liters to 500 liters . On the other hand, it is recommended for pools with a volume of less than 3 m 3 .

The Pondovac Classic pond vacuum from Oase Living Water

When the Pondovac Classic is filled with water and grime, it will shut down. Then, it will proceed to emptying by gravity. Generally, the Pondovac Classic comes with a two-year warranty .

Pondovac 3

Still from Oase, the Pondovac 3 is a 1600 W vacuum cleaner . In particular, it can suck up to a depth of 2.10 meters (between the bottom of the pool and the top of the vacuum cleaner.

The Pondovac 3 pond vacuum cleaner by Oase

Unlike the Pondovac Classic, this device will work continuously. More precisely, it has a double tank , and uses a simple but effective system: while one of the tanks is filling, the other is emptying.

In the case of Pondovac 3 , it is recommended for pools with a volume between 4 m 3 and 6 m 3 . For its part, the warranty is 2 years + 1 year .

Pondovac 4

The Pondovac 4 is a 1700 W vacuum cleaner , significantly more powerful than the Pondovac 3 or Classic. On paper, it's only 100 Watts of difference. But in terms of use, these 100 Watts there, we really feel them.

The Pondovac 4 model, among the vacuum cleaners of Oase Living Water

The Pondovac 4 is also equipped with a double tank . It will therefore be able to suck and drain at the same time, and ensure continuous operation. The big difference of the Pondovac 4 with the previous models is the suction depth. Indeed, with this vacuum cleaner, we go to 2.40 meters deep .

Pondovac 4 is preferred for pools of 6 m 3 or more . The warranty for this one is also 2 years + 1 year .

Note: Pondovac 3 and 4 vacuum cleaners can be fitted with extensions for the exhaust hose.

Pondovac 5

The latest model, the Pondovac 5 has the same power as the previous one: 1700 W. The difference ? The Pondovac 5 comes with an additional 900 W pump for emptying the vacuum cleaner.

The Pondovac 5 from Oase, a powerful vacuum cleaner with an additional pump

It is a frankly very powerful vacuum cleaner, which offers a very practical function. The additional pump will allow the loaded water to be evacuated much further. And in practice, it is something very useful!

In detail, when the vacuum cleaner is full, a pump starts up. This will therefore be responsible for pushing the water, and evacuating it. For an optimal result, you can also add extension pipes to the Pondovac 5!

The pushing power of the Pondovac 5 is such that dirt and waste can be evacuated, even when standing on a hill. For other pumps, the drain extension must be placed on a downward slope for drainage. The drain hose should go down. This will have a power of 1700 W in suction, and 900 W in discharge.

We recommend the Pondovac 5 for swimming pools, whether natural or traditional pools. This vacuum cleaner is also suitable for ponds. The warranty for this one is also 2 years + 1 year, making a total of 3 years .

In summary

The range of Pondovac vacuum cleaners will therefore meet the different needs of a pond owner. Depending on the size and type of it, we will therefore choose a more or less powerful vacuum cleaner.

It is worth noting that, at Oase, you can obtain free warranty extensions on many products. All you have to do is register on their website.

For example: on two years of guarantee, one thus obtains an additional year by registering. That is a total of 3 years of warranty.

We hope this article has enlightened you about the different Pondovac models. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! Our team will be happy to accompany you!

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Pinal Pierre - April 17, 2024

J’aurais voulu avoir des conseils concernant le nettoyage de la partie lagunage et plus précisément le nettoyage des graviers qui se recouvrent de vase. Est-il possible d’aspirer seulement cette vase en laissant les graviers en place et avec quel matériel ?
Je possède un bassin de 150 m2 avec une profondeur de 140 cm .La partie lagunage 3m × 5 m.
Merci pour votre réponse.
Mr Pinal Pierre

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