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How to make a cheap pond?

How to make a cheap pond? You probably want to make a pond in a space in your house, such as the garden. This is, no doubt, an excellent idea. Only that you don't have a big budget to make this pond construction project a reality. Rest assured ! In this article, find out how to make a cheap pond.
Gather the right materials

To make a cheap pond, you need to gather some important materials that are cheaper on the market. Examples of such materials include antique tractor tire, tarp, rocks and elbow grease.
Remember that the bargain-hunting tractor tire you choose must be large. To get it, you can contact a farmer. The tarpaulin will mainly be used to retain water. As for elbow grease, this is no stranger to you since the majority of households have it.
The stones will also go into the construction of the pool to enhance its beauty.

Arrange the space where the pool will be installed

As for the actual construction of a cheap pool, you must first prepare the ground. This is, of course, the land where the basin will be installed. Make sure said space is flat and free of rocks that could tear the tarp. This will result in a water leak in your pond.

You must therefore pay particular attention to the condition of the ground on which you want to install your inexpensive pool. The ground should preferably be very flat to avoid any damage of any kind.

Cover the tire with the tarp

As soon as the tire is installed on the previously arranged space, it is up to you to cover the said tire with the tarpaulin. The latter must cover the tire so as to marry all its contours and its interior. After this step, begin without further delay to fill the inside of the tarpaulin which is within the tire.

Here it is worth noting the following: for the construction of your least cost pool to be effective, the tarp must be able to completely cover the tire. Be careful when buying a cover for your pool.
Surround the tarp-covered tire with stones.

From the outset, it should be emphasized that this is a stage where your talent in old masonry will be in high demand. All you have to do here is circle your tire so it can compliment the look. To achieve this, arrange the stones horizontally so that some can fit into each other.

You need to repeat this operation just until the tire is completely covered with stones. Obviously, you need to arrange them aesthetically. As a bonus, you have the option of adding a splendid fish tower to the pool.


The realization of a cheap pond is not a complicated task. To complete this construction project, you just need to collect some important materials. After that, all you have to do is follow the steps above to make your project a reality. However, remember that the aesthetics of your pool will depend on your talents in this area. Then give free rein to your imagination to reveal the genius that lies dormant in you.

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