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Comment fonctionne la reproduction des carpes koïs?

How does koi carp reproduction work?

Koi carp was invented in China , carp was not introduced to Japan until after the invasion by China. What I am going to explain to you may not please you, but it was raised mainly for the flavor of its flesh.

It is a freshwater fish found in Europe, Asia, America and the Orient. Vegetation is important. In the wild, spawning takes place in shallow waters.

A little history on the reproduction of koi carp

In Europe, the koi carp was quickly used as an ornamental fish, a sign of wealth and above all good luck in your property. The first colored carp were bred in the early 1800s. It was not until the late 19th century that most varieties were established.

How to facilitate the reproduction of koi carp in your pond?

  • Plant enough water lilies or submerged plants to simulate a natural biotope. These plants will allow fish to attach their eggs to them. Are your koi carp eating all your plants? You can easily use the solution of pond spawning brushes.

How do my koi carp breed?

A koi carp reaches sexual maturity when it is 2 to 3 years old. It also depends on its growth rate. You should also know that the sex ratio for good results is two or three males per female. Young koi carp are most fertile between 2 and 5 years old.

In general, the first koi carp eggs can hatch after a short week and release a hundred or even thousands of individuals. A high and constant temperature is conducive to the faster development of the eggs of your koi carp. The warmer the water, the faster the hatching.

How to tell a male koi carp from a female?

How do you tell a male koi from a female koi? In fact, we can see nuptial points on the gill covers, and in the male, the body is thinner and more elongated. In male koi carp, the pectoral fins are often larger in size than in females.

In the female, the sex is rounded and convex. In the male, the sex is concave and more elongated. During the spawning period, the koi carp ready to spawn has the particularity of a large and flexible abdomen. The male must release his milt onto the eggs.

How to create a favorable environment for koi carp fry?

If you want to facilitate reproduction, we advise you to avoid handling your females too quickly during the spawning period, otherwise you could facilitate the expulsion of many eggs.

It is advisable to feed the females well before the breeding phase so that they have a good body condition.

If you observe reproduction (eggs + milt), we advise you to isolate the males which tend to feed on eggs during the reproduction period (protein diet because of energy needs).

If you have sufficient vegetation and spawning brush as explained above, your eggs will be protected more effectively.

When the koi carp is a mini fry, it can survive a few days on energy reserves. The young tend to attach themselves to the aquatic plants present in the basin (pondeteria, nymphae, hipuris, watermilfoil, ceratophylum ).

How to feed Koi carp babies (fry)?

After a few days, the fry begin to swim faster and feed on microorganisms present in the water. From this moment, you can start feeding your fry with brine shrimp, worms, ... After two to three weeks, you can start feeding them with small granules.

Do you have a question about breeding your koi carp? contact us now

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Vaucher Martine - July 6, 2023

Bonjour, mes koïs ont pondu des œufs dans une plante de mon bassin, j’ai isolé le bac dans un autre bassin sans poisson, mais l’eau pour l’instant est froide. Est-ce que les œufs peuvent éclore quand l’eau sera plus chaude même si c’est dans un mois ? Ou bien il n’y aura pas du tout de naissance ? Merci pour votre réponse ! Cordialement.

puffet - September 24, 2020

je ne possede qu un ou qu une carpe kois avec d autres poissons rouges ( carassins je crois) et je vois maintenant maintenant des petits koïs …. je crois?

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