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Pourquoi utiliser de l'engrais pour mes plantes aquatiques?

Why use fertilizer for my aquatic plants?

Is it spring where you are? Is it the start of the season? This is undoubtedly the best time to divide your aquatic plants or to plant your pond.

After dividing or planting your aquatic plants, you can give them regular doses of fertilizer to ensure they get the nutrients they need to thrive and produce vigorous flowers.

Keep your colorful plants healthy by regularly removing dead foliage throughout the growing season.

Why use the fertilizer for my aquatic plants

Each plant must be well cared for. It happens that the environment in which she lives is not favorable to her. One often detects stunted growth, wilting foliage and even a rapid acceleration of stem rot. Question of finding one or more appropriate solutions to succeed in its evolution.

And to sometimes bring your plants back to life, it is possible to find other technical means that will contribute to a growth worthy of the name, such as fertilizers. Fertilizers are often considered as chemical elements which certainly promote plant growth, but are at some point harmful to human life. For those who have often had failure in the cultivation of aquatic plants, here is why it is imperative and advisable to use fertilizer for your aquatic plants.


To combat nitrogen deficiency

Indeed, nitrogen is a chemical element that your plants always need in sufficient quantity. It is often advisable to add nitrates in order to increase the rate of nitrogen. In the case of aquatic plants, it is best to use Easy-Life Nitro to target only nitrogen deficiency or even better Specialized Fertiliser. The Specialized Fertilizer is known as a fertilizer that always responds to the various nitrogen deficiencies in your plants.

Fight the lack of magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus

These four chemical elements are essential in the growth of your aquatic plants.

  • In the case of iron: for the good growth of your plants, the use of a specialized fertilizer is highly recommended. Your aquatic plants must have a strong vivacity when growing and make the stem very strong. As a type of fertilizer you can take Easy-Life Profito. It is a fertilizer that offers iron to all your different aquatic plants.
  • For magnesium: its contribution is at the level of the ribs. In fact, the case of aquatic plants is very complicated. You have to be very vigilant. If you notice that the veins of your aquatic plants are darker, you should already know that they are deficient in magnesium. It is necessary to inject fertilizer.
  • In the case of phosphorus: in the majority of cases, the aquatic plant benefits from the fact that it is constantly in the water, suddenly it can create negligence which in the long run will in turn create damage such as the lack phosphorus. You may find that the leaves gradually turn yellow and rot appears. The contribution of a fertilizer against this jaundice is an excellent idea in order to kill this pathogenic microbe which wants to finish with your aquatic plant.
  • Because of the lack of potassium: for those who grow aquatic plants, potassium has often been underestimated yet it is very important in the growth of the aquatic plant. And to combat the lack of potassium, you need a specialized fertilizer like Easy-Life Kalium.

To deliver minerals and nutrients to aquatic plants

Like any other plant, the aquatic plant also needs minerals and organic nutrients to evolve well. All these elements contribute to its uninterrupted growth. In addition, they provide a good balance, keeping under control an excellent development of the aquatic plant. Seems like organic minerals and nutrients are firefighters in the growth process of your aquatic plants. Fertilizer thus becomes the strong link for the successful cultivation of your aquatic plants. In addition, they promote assimilation through the roots.

Fostering quality growth

Every person who wishes to do in the cultivation of aquatic plants always wishes to have a better growth. Like all living beings, the plant also needs long-term insurance with regard to growth. Fertilizer is a product that gives resistance potential through different chemical substances. It is these different chemical substances which, depending on the need, act on the growth of your aquatic plants. You can understand the necessity and a permanent need for fertilizers in the cultivation of your aquatic plants.

Use of fertilizer to fertilize the plant space

The cultivation of aquatic plants is very complex. Sometimes the soil in which you planted your plants is not fertile. It is a question of using another procedure which is nothing other than the use of fertilizers. Although it is necessary to make it clear that chemical fertilizer in contact with water is not often advisable. But, for lack of the ground, you are obliged to use this fertilizer in spite of you. Fertilizer becomes the strong link for the best growth of your aquatic plants.

Fertilizer provides rapid growth to aquatic plants

To avoid growth retardation, fertilizer is always recommended by specialists in the cultivation of aquatic plants. The use of fertilizer is sometimes a necessity. It participates in the rapid growth of your plants rather than expected. In the case of aquatic plants, for example, they sometimes need fertilizers to boost their development without any risk. Biology has really evolved. Growing your plants is now possible and easy thanks to the use of fertilizers. But, it is important to note that each aquatic plant needs a specific fertilizer. The fertilizer must respond spontaneously to the problem observed on the aquatic plant.

Fertilizer as a favorable tool for the good foliage of plants

A plant always needs good foliage. And if you notice for a single moment that your plants do not have the expected foliage, you will be tempted to find a quick and adequate solution. The use of a fertilizer would be a good way So to speak that the fertilizer becomes a participative element in the good foliage of your aquatic plants.

The use of fertilizers for the growth of your plants is important. In the case of aquatic plants, it is often advisable to use these fertilizers in order to have healthy plants. Specialists in the cultivation of aquatic plants also offer fertilizer as a product par excellence. As a result, it becomes a means of support for a good growth of your aquatic plants.


Previous article How do you prevent soil from mixing with water when preparing baskets of aquatic plants?


Saidi - October 25, 2021

Bonjour ,
J’ai un grave problème pour mes lotus repiqués vers fin Août de cette même année 2021 les feuilles deviennent jaunes puis brunes et leurs tiges deviennent molles et se détachent. Mes lotus sont plantés dans dans une terre argileuse dans un bac de 60 litres et la sa hauteur est de 50 cmset la température est descendue pour atteindre 18 °c ce qui m’a pousser surtout après avoir constaté le jaunissement des feuilles à penser installer une résistance électrique avec thermostat pour releler la température à 25° c et le problème persiste malgré tout et j’ai pensé à une carence en engrais mais nous sommes au mois d’octobre je me suis dit ce n’est pas la saison de la croissance .
Je vous remercie de bien vouloir m’aider à la résolution de ce problème.

Saidi - October 25, 2021

Bonjour ,
J’ai un grave problème pour mes lotus repiqués vers fin Août de cette même année 2021 ses deviennent jaunes puis brunes et leurs tiges deviennent molles et se détachent. Mes lotus sont plantés dans dans une terre argileuse dans un bac de 60 litres et la sa hauteur est de 50 cmset la température est descendue pour atteindre 18 °c ce qui m’a pousser surtout après avoir constaté le jaunissement des feuilles à penser installer une résistance électrique avec thermostat pour releler la température à 25° c et le problème persiste malgré tout et j’ai pensé à une carence en engrais mais nous sommes au mois d’octobre je me suis dit ce n’est pas la saison de la croissance .
Je vous remercie de bien vouloir m’aider à la résolution de ce problème.

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