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Quel produit utiliser pour un étang vert?

Which product to use for a green pond?

Your pond is green and you are looking for a product to make the water clear? I might disappoint you :) Is the water transparent, or can't you see through the pool? Before using a product, it is important to ask the right questions.

Before using a treatment in a basin , I advise you first to put the water in a glass of water, and to send us a photo on with your volume of water. I also advise you to carry out a water analysis using a pond test kit .

It is important to determine if your green water problem is a water treatment problem via your filtration system or a water quality problem. You will be able to use a treatment if there is too much suspended solids in the water, however, if you want clear water, you should treat the problem in the long term.

How to treat green water in a pond with some super simple tips? Several factors must be analyzed to be discovered below:

  • Quantity of fish
  • Volume of water
  • Clarification system
  • water quality

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