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Quelle taille ou volume de bassin pour la carpe koï?

What size or tank volume for koi carp?

What size tank for koi carp? What size do you need to accommodate koi carp in a pond? How much water for a koi carp? The koi carp is a prized animal native to Southeast Asia. There are dozens of varieties, differentiated by their appearance and colors. This is a breed belonging to the carp subspecies Cyprinus carpio.

It is always impressive to observe this type of fish on the edge of a pond. I sometimes have the impression that they follow us along the water with these brilliant colors. What a pleasure to throw food and feel the lapping of water.

Did you know that a koi carp can reach a size of 1M? You want to create or arrange your pond to add koi carp. You do well to read this micro-guide which will allow you to determine the number of koi you need.

Water volume for koi carp

When we accompany you in a koi pond project, we usually advise koi carp in volumes of at least 10M³ of water. This volume may seem large but it is a minimum if you want to buy koi carp.

Koi carp - Behavior

A koi carp will often tend to live in groups. These animals love to search the bottom of the pond. She can easily reach 50 years old. Some legends say that koi carp can reach 100 years old. I'm not going to lie to you, and I haven't lived long enough to believe it in our showroom pools yet.

Creation of a pond for koi carp

It is recommended to create a minimum depth of 1M if you wish to acquire koi carp in Western Europe. This depth allows koi carp to hide there in winter. The carp is a cold-blooded animal. In winter, her metabolism slows down and she will stay almost motionless on the bottom of your pond.

This minimum depth is necessary to avoid large variations in water temperature during the year, so that the koi carp can overwinter.

A koi carp needs 1000 liters of water per specimen. We recommend that you create at least a 10,000 liter pond if you want to add carp to it. This is a minimum volume to promote the well-being of the koi carp.

Minimum pond size for koi carp

Many people have the misconception that koi carp are hardy fish simply because they can live for many years. But this is not the case. Although they can be resilient, living in an unsuitable habitat will not make them thrive.

Feeding koi carp

How to choose a suitable food for your koi carp? Discover our guide to selecting food for koi carp by clicking here. Just use the filters to your left.

Make sure that the koi carp food is gone within 5 minutes because food that is not eaten creates excess waste in your pond and an additional load on the biological balance. This will lead to algae growth and cloudy water.

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