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Tout savoir sur l’élevage des Carpes Koï en 2022

Everything you need to know about Koi Carp breeding in 2022

Everything you need to know about Koi Carp breeding in 2022

Koi carp come from a cross between a white carp and a red carp. They are omnivorous and especially fond of sandy or muddy bottoms. They are among the fish that can almost be domesticated. For example, if we give them food at a regular time and always in the same place, they will end up eating from the palm of our hand. They are also large animals that can reach 70 - 80 cm and are renowned for their longevity.

There are several varieties of Koi, the best known of which is “kohaku”, a white variety with red spots, the emblem of Japan. But there are many, many varieties. They almost all have a name and are selected by their color. It is this element that makes them so expensive.

How long do koi carp live?

In general, Koi carp are considered to live for around 30 or even 40 years. These must be close to 80 cm as long as they have been fed. Because we must not forget that a fish needs to eat. He has to eat every day. On the other hand, when the water temperature drops below 10 degrees, he eats less. And below 4 degrees, he doesn't eat at all and tends to sink to the bottom of the pool to protect himself from the cold. This is called lethargy or semi-hibernation phase. This phase can last throughout the winter. It is therefore important to take good care of a koi carp.

How to raise koi carp?

Before starting to build a pond, you must think about the following points:

  • Choose the right place to set up the pool: it must be partially in the shade to facilitate cleaning
  • Provide a large space: because koi carp grow quickly and can reach a size of up to 80 cm, it is important to have a very large pond
  • Think about an efficient and robust pump and filtration system
  • Provide plants or aquatic plants such as water lilies : not only to have a nice pond but also to improve the quality of the water. This will allow your koi to retreat to the shade from time to time as they don't like to be in the sun all day.
  • Provide quality food so that your carp grow quickly and have a long life

Once you have taken all of these things into account, you can start keeping koi at home.

In summary, it is essential to have a landscaped pool and/or at least to recreate the densities found in the natural environment. For reference, you should have a 4 or 5 m² pond for one or two 10 cm fish.

Each fish added is equal to 1000 liters of additional water. So you need to have a robust pump and filtration system. This is necessary to have good water quality and thus ensure the health of the carp, but also to be able to see the fish and to prevent the pool from becoming too green.

The installation of a biological filter and an efficient mechanical filtration system are the essential elements to be able to raise adult koi carp. Finally, do not forget the aquatic or vegetable plants that will improve the daily life of your carp and contribute to their development.

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