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How to deal with silt in a natural pond?

How to deal with silt in a natural pond? There is always some silt in a natural pond, but be careful, too much silt can dramatically lower oxygen levels and promote algae growth. The pond could end up " eutrophied ".

Whether you own or manage a body of water, this article is here to help you preserve its ecosystem . We know that many challenges come with creating and maintaining a natural pond. Too many nutrients, for example, can cause more sulphates, more algae and therefore more slime. So, find out right away about the disadvantages of sludge in a pond and how to deal with it.

There are different methods for removing silt from a natural pond . There are several solutions: treatment by suction, mechanical cleaning, or treatment by aeration and bacteria to treat the mud in a natural pond. It is completely normal to have mud in a natural pond.

How does silt get into my pond?

It is created with fish droppings, dead leaves, dust in the air. You just have to monitor its level to avoid eutrophication of the water body.

For small ponds, you can use pond vacuum cleaners (max 100M³ of water). Beyond this volume, it will be necessary to use more important means, or a natural treatment based on bacteria + aeration. You have to find a mechanical solution to evacuate the mud, or simply suck it up. Many pond owners first dry the pond before mechanically cleaning it out.

We recommend a water analysis, aeration of the body of water and the addition of bacteria to improve the biotope of your natural pond.

How does mud form in a pond?

Aquatic plants, fish, frogs and other marine animals live in community in a pond. However, all of these species deposit excrement at the bottom of the water. These are added to leaves, food scraps and all those organic substances left behind by micro-organisms and/or bacteria.

These deposits form “mulm” (from the German “molm”) which means “decomposing soil dust”. And this substance is the cause of the creation of slime in a natural pond. presence of oxygen and affects water quality.Over time, the untreated layer of silt thickens and can cause serious problems.

What are the problems with mud in a natural pond?

If the presence of silt becomes too important, it forms rot around your pond. It is also manifested by gas bubbles and an unpleasant odor. In this case, it is essential to take appropriate measures. Start by testing your water. This will help you adapt the treatment to be carried out.

Note, however, that string algae is a positive sign, as it indicates good water quality and pond stability. However, they are oxygen-hungry and when they die, they release nitrogenous compounds into the pond. It is therefore advisable to eliminate them regularly with a simple landing net.

If you have a lot of string algae in your pond, remove it with a simple rake over the surface. Repeat this action every three days from April to May. In June and July, the formation of algae decreases. You only need to repeat this process every three to four weeks. In these more serious cases, consider draining the basin.

Draining a pond not recommended for the ecosystem

Draining the pond water completely should always be a last resort, and it's definitely not something you have to do if you want to clean your pond. In fact, draining your water can actually make the pond dirtier in the future because the natural ecosystem will be disturbed, especially in wildlife ponds.

While a strong water dump may be necessary in some circumstances, in terms of general cleaning, it's rarely a necessity as long as you have the right equipment on hand.

Cleaning a pond without draining will ensure that your natural populations of bacteria are maintained, allowing them to continue to provide biofiltration after the worst waste has been removed. If the waste levels get too high, all you have to do is manually remove enough waste to get the bacteria working again - no total drainage required!

How to prevent it?

To reduce slime, there are several ways. Preventively, you must monitor your fish populations and add means that limit the accumulation of nutrients. Aquatic plants are a great way to reduce the amount of silt in a pond.

Why does aeration reduce the amount of silt?

Pond aeration helps ensure a fairly high level of oxygen in your pond. When the oxygen level is too low, it leads to increased fish kills . You also risk seeing invasive plants grow and the level of silt increase.

Discover our guide > How to measure the oxygen level of a pond.

Pond aeration improves water quality and ensures the presence of beneficial bacteria. Fauna and flora can develop in optimal conditions.


What are the solutions for eliminating silt in a pond?

The most expensive part of the cleaning process is the removal of the silt (part of the silt). In Europe, these silts must be analyzed before being spread on fields or treated in sorting centres.

I heard about biodegradation.

Biodegradation makes it possible to effectively degrade the silts of its pond thanks to a biological action. It is a natural way to remove silt from your pond.

Biodegradation involves adding additional bacteria and natural enzymes to the pond. This speeds up the process of organic matter decomposition and effectively manages the presence of nutrients in the silt. It improves the water quality of the pond.

Less expensive than setting up a cleaning solution, it must be part of a long-term approach to be effective and manage large volumes.

Vacuum cleaning

We can also take care of the evacuation of your vases. We work with different techniques to treat the siltation of your body of water. The best solution is to contact us and send us photos of your body of water on

  • Aspiration (vacuum cleaning of vases)
  • Removal of vases by crane

Cleaning sludge from the bottom of your pond probably isn't high on your list of favorite activities, but it's an essential task that will help keep your pond water as healthy as possible. It can be a lot of work, but we have some tips that can make the process easier.

What is slime?

Let's take a quick look at what sludge comprises and why it negatively affects your pond water. Sludge is a mixture of decaying organic matter, and this can include animal waste, dead leaves, grass clippings, fish food, and just about anything that ends up in your pond and starts to settle. break down. Sludge can also contain inorganic substances such as sand, silt or clay.

Although a small amount of sludge is normal and poses no real risk to your pond, as this sludge builds up and increasingly covers the bottom of your pond, there can be several negative consequences.

First, for this organic matter to decompose, oxygen must be present. As more material goes to the bottom of your pond, more oxygen will be needed for decomposition, which means oxygen levels in your pond drop and this can harm your fish.

Second, sludge is a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria and this type of bacteria produces a dangerous gas called hydrogen sulfide. If your pond water smells less than fresh, hydrogen sulfide is likely the culprit, as it causes that lovely rotten egg aroma that keeps us from truly enjoying our ponds and lakes.

How to clean sludge from the bottom of your pond

If you already have a sludge problem, here are some ways to reduce sludge and help restore the water balance of your pond.

  1. Use beneficial bacteria – While some bacteria can certainly damage pond water, certain enzymes and special bacteria can restore pond water and eat away sludge from your pond, as well as reduce or eliminate any floating organic matter in your pond. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce sludge, although several treatments may be needed to correct the problem.
  2. Use a pond vacuum They are specially designed to help you suck up all the mud or mud from your pond. These vacuums are intended for use with smaller bodies of water, and generally not with larger ponds or lakes.

How to Prevent Sludge Buildup

Create an Aquatic Plant Barrier (Cattail Type) – Adding beneficial plants around your pond can keep dirt, debris, leaves and grass clippings out of your pond. It is also easier to clean this debris around the edge of the pond than to get into the water and clean up the sludge.

Aerate Your Pond – A stagnant pond is the perfect breeding ground for many water problems, including sludge buildup. Aeration also keeps the water temperature low, which inhibits the growth of floating green organic matter.

Limit your fish population - When you have too many fish in a pond, the fish waste really adds up and this contributes to sludge formation. These fish also have a harder time competing for oxygen, and sludge reduces oxygen levels, which can lead to fish kills. Also avoid overfeeding the fish, as excess food also contributes to your sludge level.

Use Beneficial Bacteria - Not only can beneficial bacteria eat away at existing sludge, but they can also prevent sludge buildup in the first place. Beneficial bacteria can also prevent floating organic matter from building up in your pond. We have several products that may help clean up sludge and other pond problems.

Having an effective filtration process in place will help reduce overall cleaning and will also improve water quality for pond fish. For more information on optimizing water filtration, cleaning, and what equipment to use, check out our articles below:

  • Cleaning and optimization of water filtration
  • Best Filter Media for Ponds
  • How to keep leaves away from the pond
  • Ultimate Guide to Algae Control
  • Remove duckweed naturally

Which plants to choose to fight against pond slime?

Floating aquatic plants, such as water lilies, are excellent for creating shade. But you can also use cleansing plants below the surface of the water, for example water ivy or watergrass.

In addition, it is strongly recommended to use a special potting soil to prevent the formation of mud. Finally, plants located on the banks of the pond, such as the broad-leaved cattail, the flag iris or the arums, also create shade. These plants not only help to prevent the formation of algae, but they are also an asset because of their undeniable decorative aspect...

How to prevent the appearance of slime?

The removal of algae by algae-eating plants is not the only way to prevent the appearance of slime. Dirt like dead leaves and dead plants should be removed from your pond quickly.

In autumn, use a leaf net to prevent large amounts of leaves from falling into your pond. Fertilizer for aquatic plants should be used sparingly. Also, feed your fish appropriately to prevent too much food from falling to the bottom of the pond and decomposing.

Finally, contribute to the cleanliness of your pond by installing a filter. A quality filtration system helps break down fish droppings. When setting it up, add biomass bacteria to balance the chemical elements of the water.

Good to know: a sun screen protects your pond from the sun's rays and prevents the formation of algae.

How to deal with silt in a natural pond?

To say goodbye to the mud in your natural pond, three options are available to you.

1. Drain

If no fish overwinter in your pond, you can drain the water in the fall. But beware, this operation is only recommended for small ponds. For ponds from 200M³, you risk eliminating the ecosystem and killing biodiversity for several years (see information above in the article on the negative impact of emptying).

2. Biological anti-sludge product for ponds & ponds

To treat the mud in a natural pond, you can also use a product intended for this purpose.

The use of a biological anti-sludge product for the pond is quite simple and its duration depends on the thickness of the layer of silt. More often than not, a single application of slime eliminator is not enough. You must therefore use it for a few weeks.

In fact, this product based on bacteria and active oxygen plays three roles at once:
- Prevent the loss of fish;
- Prevent the proliferation of algae;
- And reduce excess uneaten nutrients.

3. Pond & pond vacuum cleaner

Removing litter and algae by hand or with a bucket is tedious and time-consuming work. In larger natural ponds, it can even be very tiring. Fortunately, a pond vacuum offers significant advantages over manual skimming. This will allow you to remove all the harmful waste for your biotope and to achieve a biological balance!

What to do with the mud once removed from the natural pond?

Once you remove the silt from your pond, you can use it as fertilizer for your garden, similar to compost. Indeed, these materials are very rich in nutrients.

Warning: as the mud is quite fragrant, avoid contact with the skin and wear gloves and appropriate clothing.

Conclusion: do not forget to maintain your pool to avoid the appearance of mud!

If you have a natural pond in your garden, be aware that slime is a natural process caused by fallen leaves, fish droppings and food scraps. And although it is not dangerous in small quantities, it is important to prevent its occurrence. With this in mind, feed your fish in the right proportions and buy algae-eating aquatic plants. Finally, remember to vacuum regularly, just like at home! And for more articles on the maintenance of ponds and garden ponds, browse our blog!

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