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Où placer la pompe à air dans mon bassin ?

Where should the air pump be placed in my pond?

Or place the air pump in a basin ? This question may seem innocuous for connoisseurs, but it is an excellent question for a beginner! Air pumps ensure the natural balance of the pond. They improve the oxygenation of the pool, which is essential for aquatic life. The small rising bubbles are also very pleasant to watch.

Air pumps can be used in both summer and winter. In winter, air bubbles maintain a hole in the ice, allowing harmful gases to escape. Harmful gases, when trapped under the layer of ice, are the number one killer of fish and amphibians during the winter months. An opening in the glass avoids this problem.

Where to place the air pump?

The air pump will always be placed higher than the water level, otherwise it is imperative to use one or more non-return valves, without this, when the pump stops (power cut). electricity for example) you risk having a siphon effect, the water will then pass through the pump system to overflow through the suction. This can lead to the complete destruction of the pump.

Currently there is no pump that can stay outside in the rain, so you have to provide a shelter for it. On the other hand, these pumps do not accept temperatures below -10°C, one more reason to provide shelter. If you have a garden shed, it will do the trick even if it is far from the pool, the length of the pipes has little influence on the flow.

The pump must always be installed above the water level! If the pump is installed below, backflows can cause a short circuit. The pump must be installed at least 10 cm above the foundation on a stable platform.

If it is installed on an unstable base, vibration noises may appear. The pump must be mounted horizontally on a base to avoid radial stresses on the diaphragms, which can reduce the life of certain pump components.

Precautions for using an air pump

ENVIRONMENT Ensure good ventilation of the pump, especially in difficult operating conditions. If the pump is mounted in a casing, sufficient cooling (ventilation slots) must be ensured to prevent overheating. A favorable environment temperature guarantees the longevity of membranes and valves.

Although SECOH pumps are weatherproof, they should not be directly exposed to sunlight, rain or snow. AIR QUALITY SECOH pumps are specifically designed for pumping air. They must not operate in a dusty environment. A clogged filter can cause overheating. The humidity should not exceed 90%. Flammable or aggressive gases and vapors must not enter the air intake passage, as it leads directly to electrical parts.

How does an air pump work?

To begin with, air pumps operate on the principle of a flexible membrane and two valves, one inlet and one exhaust.

Under no circumstances should you use a compressor because it uses oil to lubricate the bearings and the piston, the oil mixed with water will inevitably end up in the water in your pool, causing pollution of your pool. this one.

On the other hand, a compressor gives a much higher pressure than an air pump which is not useful, moreover, it also consumes much more energy

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