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Comment enlever les algues dans un aquarium?

How to remove algae in an aquarium?

Algae are a real scourge in the world of aquariums. This is one of the most recurring problems if you have an aquarium.

For many people, this means stopping having an aquarium if it doesn't work to get rid of it.

However, it is important to understand that the appearance of algae is absolutely not the result of chance.

Moreover, their development is explained by an imbalance in the parameters of the aquarium. Therefore, they are completely avoidable by following our recommendations.

The different types of algae

To get rid of algae in your aquarium, you need to know what their origins and types are:

  • Green algae are mainly found on plants as well as on the floor, decor and windows. They are easily identifiable by their hairy appearance and their development is often encouraged because of too much light intensity.
  • Thread algae are also green in color, but they can present with brown or gray undertones. The latter love to cling to plants, decorations or even windows. But unlike species of the same type, it is easy to remove it by hand. When they are present in small quantities, there is no major risk for the balance of the biotype. But if you get out of control, they could completely overrun your aquarium, causing smothering on your plants. They are symptomatic of an aquarium with an excessive presence of iron, phosphate or nitrate. Alternatively, you might also have lighting that is not properly matched. If you still have old T5 or T8 tubes, it's time to change them.
  • Diatomaceous brown algae are mainly found on plants and decor with an identifiable form by the brownish color. But unlike the two other types of algae that we have presented to you previously, these algae only develop when the lighting is not suitable or insufficient. Moreover, a high concentration of silicate may explain its appearance.
  • Blue or cyano algae also consist of bacteria. Present on the decor and the windows, they form a viscous veil immediately identifiable by the presence of small air bubbles. To get rid of them, you can very easily suck them up by simply using a hose.

Be aware that there are also other types of algae that you can find in abundance in your aquarium such as beard algae, encrusting algae or staghorn algae.

Use the right method to get rid of algae

Even before adjusting certain settings of your aquarium, it is important to adopt certain reflexes to resolve algae proliferation. First, we recommend that you focus on cleaning by promoting the regular renewal of your water. About every 15 days, change 25% of the total water, remembering to properly vacuum the bottom of your aquarium and cleaning all of your decor. However, it is not necessary to change all of your water, as this will cause a thermal shock to your ecosystem.

The second check concerns the lighting. Indeed, the quality of the lighting is an absolutely essential parameter for your aquarium. If you have too much or too little light, then it is undeniable that algae will proliferate. In addition, remember to adjust the use of lighting between 8 and 12 hours maximum to have the best possible balance of light in your tank.

However, if you use a direct light source, it will complement your artificial light and your heating system. The damage can then be irreversible on the flora and fauna of your aquarium.

Third essential element, the regulation of the population of your tank. Regularly, remember to count the living beings, because if you have too many it can perfectly correspond to the proliferation of algae. As you know, fish naturally produce phosphates and nitrates.

However, these elements favor the development of algae. In the event of too much production, you have ingredients which will unfortunately be favorable to their development and this risks leading to an imbalance in the biotope.

Finally, usage checks are always necessary to check the softness of the water. Once a week we recommend using a drop test to check if you have an imbalance. If this is the case, you will be able to take all the necessary measures to restore the situation before the proliferation of algae degenerates.

Cleaning your aquarium

Normally, if you have followed our recommendations, you should be able to identify the causes responsible for the development of algae.

Whether it's changing lighting or decreasing the number of species, it's always important to make sure your aquarium is properly cleaned. With regular monitoring and good anticipation, your tank will always be clean and the proliferation will then be controllable.

With a thorough cleaning, you will be able to remove the contaminated leaves and clean up the flora. Window cleaning is also essential, as is decor brushing. Don't forget to vacuum the bottom of your aquarium carefully to eliminate as many harmful elements as possible.

Anti-algae treatments

If you have already applied our previous advice, but you see a limited impact, then it is necessary to reduce the use of liquid fertilizer. Also try to reduce the amount of food and why not add algae-eating living beings. For this, we recommend snails, shrimps, otocinclus or ancistrus.

Also be aware that there are chemicals corresponding to anti-algae treatments. Although these products remain effective, we only recommend that you use them as a last resort. Indeed, they do not directly solve the fundamental problem.

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