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J'ai un guppy avec un oeil gonflé, que faire?  Guppy malade, le guide.

I have a guppy with a swollen eye, what should I do? Sick Guppy, the guide.

I have a guppy with a swollen eye, what should I do? What could be the explanation for a swollen eye in a guppy? There can be several symptoms of a swollen eye in aquarium fish such as guppy, goldfish, oranda, ... This disease is generally not very contagious, you can notice in the symptoms of this infection that the fish have difficulty accepting food.

Exophthalmos? Swollen eye in my poison? What to do?

One of the most common symptoms is exophthalmos. This is eye swelling (protruding or swollen eye). It can also be apathy, loss of appetite. You will notice it quickly. Start by analyzing the aquarium water.

It can be a bacterial infection but often, this disease is of viral origin (exophthalmia). This type of problem often occurs in aquariums that lack maintenance (unsuitable filtration, overpopulation, etc.).

If it's a simple metabolic disorder in your guppy, or a mild infection, it may clear up on its own. And, the eye can return to its normal size as soon as good maintenance conditions are restored.

What's the risk?

Your fish can lose its eye, or die from this infection if it is not treated in time and the infection gets worse. This disease is often (your fish may die from it) non-fatal.

Your fish's eyes are reddish or whitish due to a buildup of lymphatic fluid. You can use salt in your quarantine tank under the advice of a specialist.

What are the causes of these eye diseases?

  • Stress
  • Improper aquarium maintenance
  • Bacterium
  • Hydrophisy
  • Bad water quality

These diseases can occur following a parasitic attack, a bacterium or a virus. It can also be stress following excessive water changes or transporting fish. It is advisable to isolate the fish.

How to cure a fish with swollen eyes?

  • Use of a hospital container
  • Analyze aquarium water
  • Clean the filter

It is recommended to consult a specialist and always seek professional advice on a case-by-case basis. Is it possible to place your fish in a quarantine tank? If so, you can, for example, use a treatment based on baktopur from Sera or a salt bath (3 hours at 5G / 3L). Antibacterial treatment can sometimes work.

It is important to balance your aquarium and start with a water analysis of your aquarium. Start by checking the pH, GH, KH and CO2 content, ammonium, nitrites and nitrates. Also check the quality of the food.

This type of disease develops especially in an unbalanced aquarium (too much pollution linked to overpopulation, or other stress factors). If it's a small infection, the whole thing can go away on its own. The eye can return to normal size as soon as conditions are restored. In some situations, the eye falls out of its socket, and the guppy (or other fish) one-eyed lives on.

In the case of a nitrogen surplus (too many nutrients or insufficient filtration in relation to the volume and quantity of fish), one of the only solutions is to transfer the infected fish to a hospital tank where the nitrogen saturation is lower. aquarium, it is absolutely necessary that the supersaturation in nitrogen decreases.

In this case there is no remedy except patience. A question about your fish? Contact us now. We will be happy to guide you to enjoy healthy fish in your aquarium.

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