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Tips for your aquarium

  • Aquarium qui pue, que faire?
    November 17, 2021 Pierre-François Danse

    Smelly aquarium, what to do?

    Smelly aquarium, what to do? If your aquarium has a foul odor, you are definitely looking for a solution to fix this problem. If an aquarium smells bad it is not without reason. There are several possibilities for this to...

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  • Comment changer le filtre d'un aquarium biorb?
    November 14, 2021 Pierre-François Danse

    How to change the filter of a biorb aquarium?

    How to change the filter of a BiOrb aquarium? Here is a short explanation for changing the filter in your aquarium. It is recommended in the manufacturer's instructions to clean the filter every two weeks. This cleaning will also depend...

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  • Comprendre la dureté de l'eau de votre aquarium.
    November 3, 2021 Cedrick Babef

    Understand the hardness of your aquarium water.

    Reduce or increase the hardness of your water? Here are some simple explanations of these water parameters. The water in your aquarium has various chemical parameters. Generally, the first that comes to mind is Ph, but water hardness is just...

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  • Comment commencer son aquarium et la pratique de l’aquariophilie?
    November 3, 2021 Cedrick Babef

    How to start your aquarium and the practice of aquariums?

    Having an aquarium in your house, these hypnotizing colors and its poetic-looking fish, a good investment and occupation. Keep reading this article because we teach you everything you need to know on the subject. The basic principles of aquariums. For...

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  • Ou mettre la pompe d'un aquarium?
    October 21, 2021 Pierre-François Danse

    Where to put the pump of an aquarium?

    Or set up the filter in an aquarium? Or place the filter in an aquarium? The aquarium is a corner to create a mini ecosystem. Where should the pump outlets of an aquarium be located? Is it better to put...

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  • Combien de poissons dans un aquarium de 60L?
    October 20, 2021 Nicolas Persoons

    How many fish in a 60L aquarium?

    How many fish in a 60L aquarium? How many fish can you put in a 60L aquarium? It is one of the best-selling aquarium volumes on the market. In this volume of water, the choice of fish and plants is...

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  • Quel éclairage led pour un aquarium planté?
    October 16, 2021 Pierre-François Danse

    What led lighting for a planted aquarium?

    What led lighting for a planted aquarium? How to choose lighting for an aquarium? How to choose lighting for an aquarium with plants? Light is essential for the development of your aquatic plants in the aquarium. It is she who...

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  • Comment choisir une pompe à air pour un aquarium?
    October 15, 2021 Pierre-François Danse

    How to choose an air pump for an aquarium?

    How to choose an air pump for an aquarium? When talking about aquarium technology, discussions often take place: about choosing the right filter, the right (LED) lighting or the best heater. Also for the use of air pumps there are...

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