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Comment choisir une lampe pour son terrarium ?

How to choose a lamp for your terrarium?

How to choose a lamp for your terrarium?

Are you a fan of domestic reptiles and do you want to adopt a snake, a chameleon or a turtle? For the well-being of your pet, do not skip an essential step: the choice of the lamp for its terrarium. The lamp regulates the light and temperature necessary for the survival of the reptile. So, let's see how to choose a lamp for your terrarium.

What type of lamp for your terrarium?

A terrarium must meet all the conditions favorable to the maintenance of the good health of your animal. The surface area, humidity, temperature and light of the enclosure must therefore vary according to the needs of the animal. But, whatever the species hosted, you will have to take care to artificially reproduce the action of the sun on its organism. A variety of lamps provide the best lighting and heating conditions in a terrarium:

  • Incandescent;
  • Compact fluorescent;
  • Halide…

Incandescent lamps are the most common and the easiest to find in pet stores. They create a localized hot spot and can even subside overnight. Halides are very expensive and are only suitable for large terrariums. Thus, it is crucial to know what light intensity and what size terrarium your pet needs before buying a lamp.

The duration of exposure to UVB rays from the lamp provides the reptile's body with vitamin D. To preserve its biological balance, the lighting must therefore vary between day and night. Finally, note that the location of the vivarium (shade or sun) also determines the choice of lamp.

Which model of lamp should I choose for my terrarium?

1. The most efficient lamp model

Incandescent lamps provide intense lighting for your reptile. Their light warms the whole terrarium. In addition, their filaments give off the UVA and UVB rays necessary for the animal's metabolism. You will also find tinted incandescent bulbs on the market, suitable for its nightlife. This lamp model maintains low light and moderate heat at night.

2. The High Light Lamp Model

Compact fluorescent lamps emit intense light, but their heat and UVB rays are very low. This type of lamp emits a light very different from that of the sun. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement them with bulbs with infrared radiation. This maintains an ideal temperature for the reptile's metabolism, day and night. This type of lighting is suitable for species of tropical reptiles.

3. The lamp model suitable for large terrariums

Halogen lamps emit sufficient UVA and UVB rays. But they must be fixed at the right height in relation to the vivarium. Otherwise, the concentration of their radiation can be disturbing. In fact, the tungsten filament of the halogen gives off intense heat when it gets too hot. This can cause burns to the reptile. This type of lamps is ideal for spacious terrariums with cool hiding places at the bottom. It is the ideal biotope for species of desert origin.

How to fix a lamp on a terrarium?

To attach a lamp to your vivarium, you must take into account its structure. Indeed, a terrarium can be open or closed, wooden or glass. Its ceiling can be covered with a wall or a mesh. Regardless of the type of terrarium, the light source must come from above. The lamp is simply hung on one of the walls of the open vivarium. In addition, the light is always directed towards the bottom.

For closed habitats, a neon can be hung under the lid, using hooks. The power supply wires pass through a hole drilled in the cover. The length of the neon tube should not exceed ¾ of the length of the cover. Its fixings are arranged on the axis of the wall. The remaining quarter on one of the two ends corresponds, on the ground, to a cool shelter or a water point. A tinted lamp that emits dim light can be attached to this end.

Choosing a lamp for your terrarium: what to remember!

Terrariophiles will have understood the importance of lighting for the well-being of their faithful companions. Indeed, the judicious choice of the terrarium lamp guarantees the good health and development of the reptile. The chameleon, the lizard, the snake and the tortoise enjoy living in a luminous and heated biotope. In addition, the right lighting enhances the decoration of your terrarium.

Want to beautify your terrarium to please your best friend? Browse our blog for ingenious ideas!

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