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Comment creer un aqua-terrarium pour votre tortue ?

How to create an aqua-terrarium for your turtle?

The aqua-terrarium combines the aquarium and the terrarium. It is a space that is provided with a land and water space.

We are going to give you some tips to recreate as much as possible the conditions that a turtle can find in the wild. This way, your vivarium turtles will feel as good as possible.

Several factors must be taken into account.

Obviously, you would need a tank or set up all the elements of the aqua-terrarium. Make sure it is in good condition and has no leaks.

The light.

You will need to reproduce sufficient light, either naturally, or with a lamp. The terrarium should be fully lit. In this way, the turtles benefit from a maximum of light. Because indeed, if you do not put either a lamp or the terrarium in a well-lit room, the shell of the turtles will become all warped, because it will not be able to develop well.


The second factor will therefore be the temperature. Indeed, it is necessary that in the terrarium, it is a good temperature, conducive to the development of turtles.

You will have the choice of heating or simply the sun which will go directly on the windows of the terrarium, and produce heat.

Note that the water temperature for water turtles must be maintained between 25 and 26° C.

For the water, you need a submersible heater, and for the atmosphere, you'll have the choice of using a heat lamp or UVB.

The substrate.

Another important factor is going to be the substrate.

Black sand in the first layer, sawdust or wood chips, soil from your garden, etc. in the second layer. As for the substrate, you can make a mixture of a little soil and potting soil to put it where there will be their house. And just basic soil for the rest of the vivarium.

You can of course add pebbles, preferably black, so that when the sun beats on them, these will store heat and release it because the turtles, you will see them, in the afternoon, they can bask in the sun. , therefore mainly on stones.

Sand should be avoided, because as soon as the turtles start eating or finally, they will be able to ingest it and it will cause them to become blocked and you will have many problems.

Turtles are very resilient animals that have evolved over millions of years. So, there is no concern for that.

In terms of decoration, you can give them a certain relief to occupy them during the day, especially if you put your turtles in a Terrarium and they don't have too much space.

The trough.

The water trough will have to be filled every two days, so that she has fresh water. Even though turtles are animals that get the water they need, mainly from the food you give them.

Then to make the terrarium as natural as possible. You can plant plants there.

But be careful what plants you plant. Plant plenty of plants that can be used as turtle food.

Feeding turtles.

As far as food is concerned, from time to time, all the plants that fall on me, for example here or there, the turtles will eat them and that will supplement the food they are given. But you can just as well give them suitable supplements , and incorporate them into their food.

To help you keep the terrarium clean and your turtle's environment clean, be sure to feed them from separate containers. Also, don't forget to siphon feces into the terrarium.

We hope that this article has enlightened you on how to make the most natural terrarium possible, with favorable lighting and all the factors to take into account.

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