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Combien valent les carpes koïs dans mon bassin ?

How much are the koi carp in my pond worth?

​How much are the koi carp in my pond worth?

Did you know ? The most expensive koi fish in the world was sold in Japan for 1.5 million euros in 2018. And even if this price is exorbitant for a single fish, it is indeed reality. Koi carp are known for their strong symbolism (they are associated with luck, prosperity and strength) but also for their vibrant colors. By the way, it is the color of the coat that determines the value of the carp, in addition to its physical strength and patterns. Let's find out together!

Why are koi fish so expensive?

Koi enthusiasts often overlook the color and shape of these iconic fish from the Land of the Rising Sun. However, these two characteristics, in addition to its physical appearance, define the value of the aquatic animal. Indeed, a Koi fish free from any defect (regular fins, shiny scales, symmetrical body) will be more expensive than another fish.

In addition, the colors and patterns of Koi come into play in determining the price. Carp colors are categorized into six extraordinary variations ranging from metallic to white to blue, yellow, red and black. However, not all colors and patterns are equally sought after. And that explains the price fluctuations!

Finally, be aware that the livelier the koi, the more expensive it is. This is why Koi carp breeders choose the most beautiful colors and give their carp quality food so that they are always prettier and shiny.

How to define the price of Koi carp in my pond?

Do you have Koi carp in your pond and want to assess their value? First of all, know that its origin will play in the evaluation of the price in the same way as its size, its shape and its dress. Carp from France are around 30% cheaper than Japanese carp, but this also results in a less attractive physical appearance.

On average, the price of a Koi carp varies between 50 and 1000 €. However, this can climb to astronomical sums when the carp measure more than 50 cm. The Tancho Kohaku (the most sought-after Koi in the world) costs between 50,000 and 75,000 €. Yes, yes, you read that right!

Good to know: Koi carp are classified into three categories (A, B and C) according to their value. Category A carp (the most sought after by collectors) come only from Japan.

What size pond to accommodate Koi carp?

Having the necessary budget to accommodate koi fish is one thing. But adapting the size of your tank to the needs of the carp is another very important one! Indeed, this variety of fish needs space to swim and develop. They can measure up to 80 cm and weigh up to 8 kg.

Therefore, your pond must have a minimum depth of 1m50 to accommodate Koi carp. Its volume should reach between 20 and 25 m3 (or more) depending on the number of fish accommodated.

Finally, we advise you to buy one to start and add more as you go, provided that the current residents are fully satisfied.

Conclusion: what to remember about the value of Koi carp!

You will have understood it: Koi fish will bring a lot of charm to your pond as their colors and patterns can be varied. You can spend hours watching them wave their shiny fins. But to respect their needs, be careful to have enough space in your pond and to maintain it as regularly as possible.

And to find out how to maintain your pool, we invite you to discover our article dedicated to this subject!

Previous article How do you prevent soil from mixing with water when preparing baskets of aquatic plants?


Dockx Frédéric - April 17, 2024

Voilà, d’abord bonjour j’aimerais savoir les produits autres que bactéries ect.
Que l’on peut mettre pour renforcer l’immunité des koï.
Tout ce qui touche pour éviter maladie ect…
Merci .

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