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Comment choisir le bon filtre UV pour mon bassin?

How do I choose the right UV filter for my pond?

How to choose the right UV system for a garden pond? How to choose your UV filter for garden pond? Discover our advice. First of all, why opt for the solution of a UV clarifier for the pond? A UV filter makes it possible to obtain clear and limpid water for your pond. In fact, in a pond, short-wave UV rays fight against micro-algae. These algae are almost invisible to the naked eye.

Who doesn't dream of clear, limpid water for their garden pond?

A UV device can complete your filtration system to fight against green water. The filter will tend to fight against brown water and organic pollution in the pond. These UV devices remove micro-algae and germinate present in the water.

How do I choose a UV lamp for my garden pond? For a filter, it is chosen according to the quantity of water present in the basin, the sunshine, and the quantity of fish. For the UV filter, we advise you to respect a minimum of 3W/1000L of water.

EX: your pool is 2000L, you will be able to choose a UV of 7W. If you opt for an 18W, you will change the lamp half as often. Indeed, a UV loses on average 50% of its power per season of 6 months. If your pool is exposed to full sun, choose a more powerful UV filter.

The lamp is a consumable which has a lifespan of 5000 to 7000h depending on the model. A full pool season represents an average of 6000 hours. Be careful, even if your bulb still lights up, it is not necessarily effective. Its radiation decreases with the hours of use.

Also be sure to properly maintain the QUARTZ which tends to fill with limestone. We clean it with a product such as vinegar or OPTINET . Be careful, rinse well before restarting.

To choose a UV lamp suitable for your pool, we advise you to always take a lamp that is a little more powerful than expected. For example if you have an 11M³ pool and you place a 36W lamp (3W per M³ of water). A UV loses 30 to 40% of its power per year. As a result, you may have to change your UV lamp every year. If you choose a 55W lamp, you are therefore left for 2 to 3 years. You need help? Contact our team who will be happy to advise you on choosing the right UV lamp for your pool.

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deblire - June 1, 2022

que faut-il comme filtration pour un bassin ovale de 30 m3 sans poissons pas trop couteux……..

merci, de me renseigner

Appere - April 4, 2022

Bonjour, vous mettez quoi comme uv pour un 70 m3 ?
Y’a t’il quelques chose pour remplacer un uv ?
Pascal Appere

Barbe Patrick - May 11, 2021

Je dispose d’un UV de 35 W . Lorsque j’utilise OPTIMINERA ( J’ai des boues qui se reforment tout le temps et j’ai un Gh un peu faible ) Ma question :
Puis-je utiliser toujours l’UV pendant l’utilisation des produits ?! D’avance Merci !

Pierre - April 15, 2021

Bonjour, oui tout à fait. Pour un bassin de 11.000L, comptez 3W par M³ d’eau. 3 X 11 => 33 :-) C’est parfait. Un UV perdra 40% de sa puissance par an. Du coup, vous risquez de devoir changer votre lampe chaque année. Toutefois, si vous choisissez un 55W, vous êtes parti pour 2-3 ans sur votre bassin. Est-ce qu’il est fort exposé au soleil? Belle journée.

Pierre - April 4, 2021

Bonjour Claude,

Oui pour 11M³, le 36W sera suffisant.
Excellent dimanche,


MOURAD - September 24, 2020

Le filtre astral xpose est il possible de l’utiliser pour un bassin avec des KOI.

Pierre-François Danse - June 11, 2019


Oui, nous conseillons en général 3W/M³.
C’est parfait,

Excellente journée à vous,


Claude - May 20, 2019

Merci pour ce guide. Est-ce que pour mon bassin de 11M3, le 36W vitronic uv suffira?

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