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Comment créer une mare naturelle en quelques étapes simples?

How to create a natural pond in a few simple steps?

How to create a natural pond in a few simple steps?

To preserve or intensify the biodiversity of your garden, creating a natural pond is an excellent idea. Indeed, this wetland constitutes an ecosystem rich in plants, amphibians and other aquatic insects.

Because in the end, only a hole 2 to 3 square meters in diameter, filled with water, is enough to provide a habitat for various living species. Beyond the well-being that the natural pond brings you, it is the ecological balance of your garden that it safeguards. Through this article, you will discover 6 (simple) steps to follow to create a natural pond!

Why create a natural pond in your garden?

Adding a natural pond to your garden will make it more attractive. Indeed, the pleasure provided by these natural spaces is incomparable, especially the live spectacle of dragonflies and bees attracted by the aquatic flowers.

In addition to the refreshing and soothing living environment, this water point limits soil erosion and flooding. But it is also an extremely useful water reservoir in case of drought. In fact, a whole microclimate is created around the pool. Finally, a natural pond helps clean the air by absorbing a large amount of carbon.

6 simple steps to create a natural pond

Before embarking on the construction of your pool, make sure that the regulations allow you to do so. Your town hall will give you an authorization if your pool is at least 50 meters from the neighbourhood. Then, you can make your ecological project a reality by involving your relatives or friends.

1. Choose the right location for your natural pond

Find a flat, dry place to dig a 2-3 square meter hole. The depth must reach approximately 1 meter 50. Avoid the proximity of trees so that the pond remains well exposed to the sun. However, the pond must remain in the shade for 12 hours on average during the summer. The best season to dig your pond is spring. This promotes the development and reproduction of plants and animals.

2. Dig a hole and install a waterproofing system

To make your pond slope, you can dig it in the shape of a staircase. Gather pickaxes, shovels, rakes and rammers. Then follow the steps below.

Remove stones and roots before covering the hole with 5 centimeters of compact sand. For a biological waterproofing, spread a layer of clay of 20 to 30 centimeters, well packed. Then water the clay quickly to prevent cracking.

If you cannot find clay, you can use a textile liner reinforced with an EPDM rubber pond liner. The canvas and the tarpaulin must cover the entire pool, taking into account its depth. Their sides must go beyond the hole so that they are fixed to the ground.

3. Fill your natural pond with water

The most environmentally friendly way to fill your natural pond with water is to collect water from rainfall either directly or stored in a cistern. Water from other natural water points can be used for this purpose. This is spring water, well water or groundwater. In the dry season, tap water remains the last solution.

On the other hand, it is better to avoid the water of the river or that discharged by the gutters, because they are often polluted. In any case, you must regularly monitor the levels of nitrites, carbon and chlorine contained in your pool.

After impoundment, it is advisable not to modify it even if it appears cloudy. On the contrary, it must be left to rest naturally. The purification is done gradually by the micro-organisms which develop at the bottom of the basin.

4. Add fish to his natural pond

Several species of fish adapt to natural ponds. The most popular is the ordinary goldfish. It is a variety of carp, 35 cm, very resistant. Goldfish feed on plants and reproduce easily. Its population is growing rapidly, which risks harming the biological balance of the basin.

Other species can coexist with goldfish. They are very hardy and reproduce quickly. This is the case of the red roach which measures 35 cm, the sun perch, 25 cm and the algae eater, 15cm.

5. Develop the banks of your natural pond

On the banks of the pond, place 10 centimeters of good soil and plant plants taken from the surrounding wetlands. The ligulare grows on the banks of the ponds, the horsetail is a semi-submerged plant whereas the cornifle develops at the bottom of the ponds.

Finally, don't forget to put a layer of soil and grass around the edge of the pool. Gravel, rock and fine sand can serve as decoration.

6. Maintain your natural pond (in the long term)

To maintain the biological balance of your natural pool, take care of all its components. Starting with the water, which must benefit from optimal oxygenation and moderate sunshine. Its PH must be constantly maintained around 7. This is why it is necessary to clean its basin well before winter.

Do not wait for the pond to be completely covered with vegetation to react. Because its ecosystem would already be suffocated. Hence the need to remove dead leaves and wilted plants. Prune the rest of the floating plants well when they cover more than a third of the water surface. To limit the proliferation of algae, avoid using fertilizers and pesticides near the pond.

What to remember to create a natural pond in a few simple steps...

The creation of a natural pond in your garden is not just a pleasure. Certainly, a pool of water brings you well-being on a daily basis. However, its ecological functions remain multiple. It is a veritable ecosystem which contributes to stabilizing the fragile balance of the climate.

Want a natural relaxation area in your garden? It will give style to your garden but in addition, a pond is an environment where living beings will live together.

Throughout this article, we will try to simplify its creation. Before quoting you the basic steps to follow, we will first show you what tools you need to bring to carry out your project:

  • If you choose to opt for the use of a tarpaulin, you need concrete covering or a preformed basin to ensure the impermeability of the pond.
  • Rest assured, the epdm cover is an ecological solution designed especially for aquarists. It does not release toxic elements when heated, unlike PVC tarpaulin which releases toxic particles when in contact with heat.
  • However, it is quite possible to make a 100 percent pond with only natural elements if your soil allows it: The use of clay to seal the soil. Clay retains water. If the soil in your garden is clayey, we strongly recommend this natural and low-cost solution.
  • You must bring earthmoving tools such as pickaxes, spades, shovels, rakes to pick up stones. Do not forget the level to make sure that your pond is horizontal.
  • Finally, you need sand to serve as the bottom layer of the pond . You need a lot because before installing any material, it is essential to lay a layer of sand of about 4 to 6 cm.

To complete your knowledge and know-how, do not hesitate to consult the many similar articles available on our blog!

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