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Comment entretenir le bassin de jardin après l’hiver ?

How to maintain the garden pond after winter?

How to maintain the garden pond after winter

At the end of winter, at the beginning of spring, the first thing to do is in general, it is to do the tests, to know its parameters of Ph of GH, ammonia and nitrites. It is also necessary to check if there is a mortality in the basin. These are the first steps. In regions where it freezes in winter and where ice takes over the surface of the basins, it often happens to find its water with a dangerously high level of ammonia. It is imperative to check your water regularly, especially after winter.

Checking and cleaning the pool

It is time to check the equipment and the structure of the pool to check if there has been any damage due to the ice. Ice as you know can crack structures, damage pipes etc. Then, the water must be cleaned and rid of rotten leaves, branches and other decomposing elements because with the sunlight and the warming of the water in the spring, this can very quickly lead to the proliferation of algae. You can do this by hand, but the best would be to use a pool vacuum.

Order your pool vacuum cleaner here

You can also use the biobooster. It is a powder that will get rid of slime and waste by making them float which will allow you to easily remove them with a landing net. And by the effect of the oxygen released you will also burn the filamentous algae and bring the organic matter to the surface. You will therefore sprinkle on the surface with a small scoop. It takes two measures for 1000 liters of water. The biobooster contains minerals and elements that will raise your GH and your KH. Hence the interest of controlling your water at the very beginning by ensuring above all that the Ammonia is at 0 as well as the nitrites. After this treatment, you also need to rebalance your water by adding nitrifying bacteria. These will help the pond rebalance itself and break down organic matter. Order the biobooster here


Add new plants

Adding new plants will allow you to oxygenate your pond more and also fight against algae, by means of competition. The largest plants and those that multiply a lot can reign over the pond by consuming the mineral elements essential to the proliferation of algae.

When the aquatic plants have taken over, you can have water in full sun exposure, but with a level of algae almost non-existent. All this happens in an absolutely biological way, without having to use chemistry…

 The development of bacteria in the spring

When the fish have passed the cold period, they generally have a very reduced metabolism as well as their immune defense. If you notice that you have one or more fish that behave strangely, isolate themselves, stop eating, or even jump out of the water constantly, then, once again, have the pond water tested. Seize your fish and take it to the fish vet, then proceed with the vet's recommended treatment as soon as possible. It is necessary to stop the UV rays if you have any, during the time of the treatment and above all to strictly follow the indications of the product.

Why Regularly use Malamix 17 in your pond

Ponds regularly contain pathogenic elements that may contaminate or weaken your fish. Malamix 17 is therefore used as a preventive measure to protect your fish from disease. Malamix also improves water quality by providing nutrients/enzymes that strongly promote nitrification of the filter, and probiotics.

Malamix 17, made up of only biological materials, will strengthen and improve the general health of your fish, especially their skin by improving mucus, which is the first defense against bacteria and viruses.

Malamix is ​​also used after treatments because some treatments tend to irritate the fish. The malamix will therefore help them recover more quickly. It is recommended to use the malamix once every three months even in winter. The vitamins that are contained in the product, acts even in winter, but it must be used as soon as the water has a temperature of at least 8 degrees, not below 7. For more information on the product and prices it's this way !

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