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Comment se débarrasser des algues pinceaux dans un aquarium ?

How to get rid of brush algae in an aquarium?

How to get rid of brush algae in an aquarium?

Brush or black string algae can really upset the balance of your aquarium. They are also known as “penicilla” because of their characteristic shape. This type of algae loves to colonize your decor, but also the plants present in your aquarium when they have slow growth. They are obviously unsightly and it is a real scourge that will have to be eliminated quickly, otherwise your plants will be suffocated.

Identification of brush algae

Unlike green algae, it is imperative to control the proliferation of brush algae. This is explained by the fact that they will disturb the balance of your ecosystem. The slightest modification you apply to your aquarium can cause more growth of this type of algae. First of all, it is necessary to identify them because they come in various colors. Indeed, different shades are then observed ranging from green to black.

But they will always have the same characteristic shape of small brushes covering the edges of the slowly growing leaves. If unfortunately you do not have sufficiently renewed water, brush algae will thrive in your aquarium. This is due to the significant accumulation of nitrates. And other parameters will also influence its proliferation, such as the alkaline pH or an excessively high carbonate hardness.

Who eats brush algae?

If you want to permanently get rid of thread algae, feel free to use tadpoles and snails. Indeed, excess food will no longer be a problem, because the animals you have introduced will take care of getting rid of it. Moreover, the introduction of these animals can bring an additional playful side to your aquarium.

Do not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist shop to find out exactly what type of snail to use, but be aware that these are often Japanese snails.

However, you should know that there are other species to clean the bottom of your aquarium to limit the proliferation of algae. So don't hesitate to get a synodontis, an ancistrus dolichopterus, a multidentata shrimp, an otocinclus affinis or a crossocheilus oblongus.

How to remove brush algae when present in small quantities?

If you have an abnormal overgrowth of black algae, it means you have overcrowding, excess nutrients, or a deficiency. Although there are different treatments, it is important to test the water to find out exactly where the problem is.

If for the moment you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, start by bringing a brush to vigorously scrub the bottom of your pool as well as the walls. This cleaning is necessary to get a maximum of algae brushes. Then we advise you to use tests to measure the pH and nitrate of your aquarium.

Thus, you have convincing results in order to detect the origin of the problem. To take immediate action, do not hesitate to invest in a treatment based on active oxygen. This is a quick answer to removing unwanted algae from your aquarium plants. If you also have some on the decoration, do not hesitate to remove them from your bin and immerse them in bleached water.

By taking a new toothbrush or using a clean sponge, you gently rub the decoration to avoid damaging them. Of course, you should not immediately restore the decor of your aquarium, because it is not good to introduce bleach molecules. That's why we advise you to rinse them using just hot water. This way you remove all traces of bleach.

Some precautions to take to avoid brush algae in your aquarium

First of all, it is important to have quality lighting, that is to say not too powerful nor too weak. Otherwise, don't be surprised if you see algae blooms. In addition, the use of lighting must be for a period of between 8 and 12 hours.

This way you bring the right balance into your aquarium. Also avoid using a direct light source. But beyond the usual precautions concerning lighting, you must above all renew the water frequently and lower the concentration of nitrates. It is also possible to soften the water in your aquarium by mixing and combining them with softened, mineral or reverse osmosis water.

The right way to avoid the appearance of brush algae in an aquarium

Once you have managed to get rid of this plague, it is important to be vigilant to prevent them from returning. For this, it is advisable to use more green plants in your aquarium, without adding any to avoid disturbing your ecosystem. If you regularly have waste in the bottom of your aquarium, it is important to neutralize it as quickly as possible.

An effective filter should allow you to have purified water and if you see that this is not the case, you may have a problem with the filter, hence the importance of cleaning it properly. If unfortunately the expected result is still not there, you should consider replacing it.

Other precautions to take concerning this time the fish food. You may have a generous hand and therefore you have a large quantity of food which will then stagnate in the bottom of your aquarium and therefore encourage the proliferation of algae. As soon as you notice thread algae in green plants or in your decor, remove them immediately without waiting for them to proliferate.

Finally, do not forget to regularly check the quality of the water and to adapt it in relation to its deficiencies or excesses. In this way, you will no longer be bothered by brush algae, representing a real nuisance for your aquarium.

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