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Les maladies de la carpe koï - Comment les soigner?

Koi Carp Diseases - How To Treat Them?

The koi carp is a fish that can get sick during its lifetime. It is important that you react quickly by detecting the type of illness, and using the appropriate treatment. Some diseases can quickly spread to other fish in your pond.

These diseases can occur from one day to the next, following several factors:

  • Overcrowding
  • Stress your fish
  • Added new fish
  • Wounds that have become infected

In short, there are several factors that can explain the development of certain diseases in koi carp. It could be several things:

  • A parasitic attack
  • A viral attack
  • A bacterial problem

It is often one of these three causes. The first thing to do before treating is to make a good diagnosis by means of a smear, or a good detection of the disease. There aren't hundreds of veterinarians specializing in koi carp in France & Belgium. To properly manage your koi carp and their well-being, we recommend that you read the Koï Doctor bible (see below).

How to detect that your koi carp is sick? It's usually quite quick to notice. Indeed, the behavior of your koi will be different in case of problems, it may not swim as usual, and no longer have an appetite. They may have strange attitudes such as rubbing against the edges or the bottom of your pool.


Excessive rubbing may indicate parasitic attacks . Do your koi carp eyes swell? At the last stage, it is the abdomen that swells. Some koi carp can develop chronic dropsy. To treat dropsy, it is advisable to use salt baths (not directly in the pelvis), or antibiotic-based treatments. There are also antibiotic-based koi carp foods.

The most common koi carp diseases are:

  • Dropsy
  • Whiteheads (Ichtyophrhirius)
  • Carp pox
  • Dactylogirus
  • Ichthyophthirius multifilis
  • Trichodina
  • Chilodonella
  • Costias
  • Gyrodactylus
  • Skin bleeding (viremia)

We generally separate two types of parasites, those found on the skin, and parasites present in the gills.

  • DACTYLOGYRUS : Destroys the cells of the branchial epidermis. The fish gather around the vents. Can cause serious mortality. You can also find GYRODACTYLUS.
  • CARPPOX : This is often the development of wax-like spots. We recommend using SAKI HIKARI type food and combining it with CYPRINOPUR treatment.
  • TRICHODINE: This is a parasite that is often found and easy to observe under a microscope. These parasites feed on skin debris and create wounds that irritate koi carp. How to cure a parasitic attack of trichodina? The most commonly used treatment is FMC or chloramine T. It is advisable to carry out two treatments.
  • CHILODONELLA: Pollution by organic matter favors the multiplication of Chilodonella. It is an oval parasite that infests the gills and mucous membranes of fish. This disease is fatal. Often, the fish will tend to stay on the surface for a long time and then hide motionless in the bottom of the tank. We recommend treating it with Kusuri Formalin, Alparex, or FMC.
  • COSTIA: These are single-celled organisms that may be present on the skin of fish. This parasite produces sores on the skin and infections. It is known as the parasite of the weak and attacks koi carp with weakened immune systems. You can use a salt bath in a quarantine tank.
  • GYRODACTYLUS / Treatment with LERNEX: Gyrodactylus, skin worms, are metazoan parasites (which contain several cells) which cling to the skin of fish thanks to their hooks.
  • ANCHOR WORMS / It is a skin parasite that looks like a small white stick. To treat anchor worms, you can use different solutions such as MEDOPOND, LERNEX PRO. Be careful, however, to follow the instructions for this type of product and to analyze the water.
  • ARGULUS (CARP LOUS): This is a parasite often visible to the naked eye. This crustacean has a fairly flat circular shape with four pairs of legs on its sides. You can use LERNEX or FLUKE-M. Ask a specialist for advice on dealing with this type of parasite.
  • BACTERIAL ATTACK / Some fish can catch a bacterial attack, one of my most natural solutions is to limit bacterial pressure by performing water changes. You can also use quarantine tank treatments with the use of salt.

How to prevent koi carp diseases? Even in very good conditions, it is possible for diseases to break out.

  • Good water quality
  • A well-sized filtration system
  • Quality food
  • Watch out for overcrowding

How to care for koi carp? Here is a list of products that allow you to treat koi carp disease . Left in the filters you can easily select your water volume and disease type.

Then you just have to choose a suitable treatment. We invite you to seek the help of a professional and to perform under the microscope to be sure to treat the right parasite. Any treatment is sensitive for the fish and can weaken the most affected among you. It is also very important to plan the right dosage for your volume of water.

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Beshanat - October 2, 2023

Bonjour, nous avons une carpe koi voilée de chine qui grossit et grandit bien, mais ces nageoires et ces voiles restent collées et ne se développe pas, avez-vous une explication ?
Par avance merci

Touzot Patrick - April 27, 2023

Bonjour j’ai une Koi qui à des plaques de mucus sur la caudale et sur un flanc mon PH n’était pas bon mais aujourd’hui il est à 7,8 je ne sais pas vraiment quoi faire. Merci de me répondre Bien cordialement

Meeder - March 27, 2023

J’ai une carpe koï dans un aquarium. Elle est noire et depuis quelques semaine autour de la bouche est rose. En plus elle a perdu un oeil. Que faire???
Merci pour vos conseils

MORLIERE - January 30, 2023

J’ai une carpe koî, elle a l’Hydropisie SVP qu’est ce que je peux faire Merci

Allardet - September 13, 2022

Ma carpe ne mange plus ou recrache s’isole et à un fil blanc visqueux attaché à l’anus

Samou - August 1, 2022

Bonjour j’ai un gros problème j’ai 10 koi sont morte entre le samedi 16 au 18 aucune trace apparent par contre les branchies sont marron gris svp pouvez-vous m’aider c’est très urgent merci d’avance

Juan - March 30, 2022

J’ai deux petites carpes koi de 10cm environ dans un bassin de 1 ooo litres
J’ai bien équilibré l’eau au bout de quelques mois mais récemment le pollen a fait viré le bassin qui a verdi (algues filamenteuses)
Le bassin est à nouveau équilibré mais les poissons restent cachés sous les algues et immobiles .
Une idée de la conduite à tenir ?

jm - March 26, 2022

bonjour j’ai une carpe koi qui la tète en haut et la bouche ouverte , elle ne mange pas non plus…que puis-je lui donner? elle mesure environ 40 cm. Merci d’avance pour votre retour

archimbaud dante - March 19, 2022

bonjour j’ai une carpe koi qui reste droite dans l’eau la tète en haut et la bouche ouverte sans bouger , que me conseillez vous merci

archimbaud dante - March 19, 2022

bonjour j’ai une carpe koi qui reste droite dans l’eau la tète en haut et la bouche ouverte sans bouger , que me conseillez vous merci

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