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Quels médicaments pour mes carpes koïs ?

What medication for my koi carp?

What medications for my koi carp

The koi carp is a very colorful and unique ornamental fish. It is available in a variety of colors. He has a peaceful temperament and is fairly undemanding in terms of food. With proper care, koi carp are long-lived and bring joy to their owners. It is important to understand that these fish are artificially bred by humans, so they need to be fed and treated in a timely manner, monitor the quality and purity of the water in the aquarium or pond.

Everything for the care of Japanese carp

In an internet shop you will find everything you need to take care of your Japanese Koi carp: automatic feeders, treatment preparations, preparations and tests for water, as well as tanks and nets for Koi . You will also find a wide range of equipment for the proper maintenance of koi.

Automatic feeders provide food for your aquatic animals for several weeks. This is very convenient for those who travel a lot or frequently.

Go for top quality products for the treatment of koi carp: antibacterials, vitamins, probiotics, cleaning and wound healing agents, and anesthetics.

To maintain good water quality, there are probiotics for the water, preparations to eliminate silt and sludge in the pond, to combat thread algae and to increase the hardness of the water.

Decorative carp and maintenance equipment

Water quality is crucial for the proper functioning of koi carp. It directly influences their health, development, lifespan and reproductive capacity.

If ornamental carp is your farm, pond maintenance equipment is essential. Sufficient aeration and filtration of the water is ensured by various types of filtration systems, aerators and their accessories.

It is very easy to buy everything necessary for the care of Koi fish in an online store whether you are in France or elsewhere. You are sure to find the necessary care products for your aquatic animals, as well as high-quality equipment for the aquarium or pond.

Accessories for the care of koi carp in the pond

You will also find in an online store a wide range of pond heaters and de-icers, UV sterilizers, algae and water level control devices.

Koi pond carp care accessories are of high quality, from reputable manufacturers, and at an affordable price.

Treatment and medication for koi carp

When buying new carp, special attention should be paid to their appearance. This will let you know exactly what their health looks like. A healthy fish is characterized by:

  • Scales shiny and solid;
  • Brilliant coloring;
  • Clear eyes.

It is important to maintain water temperature while transporting carp. It is best to use a separate container for each fish. Exposure to UV rays should also be avoided.

If the koi exhibit abnormal behavior, it indicates the presence of a disease. The following factors can influence the onset of diseases:

  • Temperature disturbances in the pond;
  • Change in diet;
  • The infection.

Of course, the development of diseases can be avoided if preventive measures are taken in time.

Antiparasitic medicine against the attack of parasites on your fish

The parasites most frequently encountered in garden ponds are ectoparasites, which live on the surface of the host animal (skin, fins, gills). They are completely natural and also abundant in nature, except that in garden ponds we often have many more fish bathing in the same volume of water.

It also increases the risk of direct infection. In addition to the fish density, the water quality, which is unfortunately often poor, is of great importance, because a stressed fish is much more susceptible to diseases than a well-balanced fish. The slightest change in the living conditions of fish affects them, increasing the risk of disease. Parasite attacks are very often associated with fluctuations in water temperature, fluctuations in pH, high levels of nitrites in the water, lack of oxygen, and occasionally the introduction of new fish. Parasites are the primary disease in about 80% of cases, with fungal or bacterial attack being the secondary disease.

Treatment with antiparasitic medication acts directly on:

  • Distinct white spots on carp
  • Whiteheads less than 0.5 mm or Whitish/calcareous layer
  • Gill redness and labored breathing (gill worm)
  • Presence of gelatinous mucus (carp virus)

Signs of a parasite infestation on your carp

  • The slimy white coating on the fish is often an attack of small parasites and should be treated first with antiparasitic drugs. Fungal spores can attach themselves to wounds that the parasites cause on the fish and so it may be beneficial to treat them afterwards with antifungal medications.
  • White dots with a size of about 1 mm that can be located both in the fins and on the rest of the body. They can be difficult to detect at first when there are not so many of them. It is a fish parasite called Ichthyophthirius multifilis. They rapidly increase in number and create lesions on the fish. The earlier the infestation is treated, the better.
  • More visible parasites. This type of parasite is easy to detect. Symptoms of gill parasites are that the fish is breathing rapidly and its gills are distended. Treatment with parasite medication in the tank is ideal, as the parasite lays eggs that are in the tank. It is usually necessary to repeat the treatment to kill the newly hatched parasites.
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