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Quelle nourriture donner à mes carpes koïs quand la température est froide ?

What to feed my koi carp when the temperature is cold?

What to feed my koi carp when the temperature is cold?

During the colder months, when the water temperature is low, the digestion of koi is slowed down. Since the needs of fish are different, the composition of food consumed in summer and spring differs significantly. Easily digestible foods (spring) contain ingredients that are easier to digest, so digestion is easier and more regular.

The consumption of cereals allows the best recovery of nutrients. It is therefore always necessary to feed the koi in the spring with a high proportion of cereals. You should also ensure that the ration contains a complete and balanced vitamin complex as well as fibre.

Specialists agree that wheat germ is an indispensable part of the ready-to-eat diet for koi in the shoulder season, as it contains an essential set of vitamins, fatty acids and other substances .

Pond owners have many questions about how to start feeding their fish. What is the best food for koi when the water temperature is low? How to feed correctly? What do manufacturers offer? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

What is wheat germ? Is it really that useful for koi?

The wheat germ is the reproductive part of the grain. It is the germ which, in the spring, gives birth to a new plant. Wheat germ is a natural concentrate of substances of vital importance, primarily polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins (the mass fraction is 20-30%).

The germ also contains complex carbohydrates which are digested and release energy more slowly than simple sugars. This has led to the widespread use of wheat germ as the main component of koi diets when water temperature is low or unstable.

What is the best food for koi?

Koi are omnivorous fish. In their natural environment, they feed on various animal products: worms, larvae, insects.

Live foods are a source of amino acids. If carp are fed only plant foods, including wheat germ foods, they will lack a number of essential nutrients.

Therefore, in the cold season, koi should be fed a combined feed, including animal ingredients in addition to cereals. The most common are fish meal, anchovy or krill.

What is the proper way to feed koi in the spring when they come out of hibernation?

Breeders must remember that they are not dealing with bio-robots who follow orders, but with intelligent creatures in their own way. The predecessors of purebred koi once lived in the wild and supported themselves.

Including being able to decide when, how much and what to eat. And modern Japanese carp are far from devoid of this wisdom of life. You have to let them use it. The main task of the breeder when koi come out of hibernation is to observe them and provide them with food of appropriate quality and composition.

Soft start of the koi digestion system in the spring

In the spring, two conditions must be met for the koi to resume feeding:

  1. The water temperature should increase by 5-10 degrees.
  2. Koi must forage for food near the surface of the water.

The digestion of koi during the hibernation period is slow. Excessive effort is not necessary. It is therefore preferable to use digestible food specially designed for low water temperatures.

Feed the koi in the spring, 1 to 2 times a day . The food should be eaten within 2-3 minutes , otherwise the next time the dose will have to be reduced.

It is better to give food around noon, when the sun is at its zenith and the water has had time to warm up a little. Fish sleep at night and do not take food.

Carp take about 4-6 weeks to fully regenerate after emerging from hibernation. You can conclude that it is important to have a good hibernation and wake up in the spring.

Once the water reaches a temperature of 21 degrees or higher, about a month and a half after the end of winter sleep, the koi can consume all food as usual.

Easily digestible food for koi carp at low water temperatures 

As you can deduce from the beginning of this article, the main food is wheat germ. It should be noted that there is a big difference between a food containing a small amount of wheat germ and a food that actually contains a sufficient amount.

The protein value of the feed is 32% . Part of the protein comes from wheat germ, another part from ingredients of animal origin (including fishmeal).

Wheat germ contains a wide range of vitamins: A, D, E, C, as well as folic acid, biotin, zinc, copper and manganese.

Garlic and brewer's yeast extracts are usually used and added to boost immunity and protect against parasites.

It is important to note that this food is the choice of koi keepers in Europe and the rest of the world, as it can be given almost all year round regardless of water temperature.

Available as small (3.5-4.0 mm), medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and large (8.0-9.0 mm) size floating and sinking granules, they are well absorbed by carp of different ages. Pellets are able to soften in cold water, making them more attractive to fish. There are no colorings or flavorings.

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