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Quelles sont les poissons mangeurs d'algues pour mon bassin d'extérieur? 

What are algae-eating fish for my outdoor pond?

Are you looking for algae-eating fish for your outdoor pond? What are algae-eating fish for my outdoor pond?

Not all fish are algae eaters: some are carnivores and some just don't like algae. Today, we're going to focus on the best species of algae-eating fish! Thus, you will know which species to select to do a great cleaning in your outdoor pond.

1. Koi carp

The famous koi carp is a magnificent aquatic species that can live for centuries and exceed the meter. Straight from Japan, koi carp loves algae. But what she loves above all is making friends with humans. So, in addition to cleaning your outdoor pond, koi carp make excellent pets.

These fish need a lot of space to move around, as they measure 80 cm on average for a weight ranging from 5 to 8 kg. That said, you can breed these species very well. Most of the time, koi carp get along well with other fish, although they can become aggressive during the breeding season.

2. The Ancistrus

The Ancistrus is a tropical freshwater fish native to South America. It comes in many colors and has a reputation for being a tile cleaner. And for good reason: we often see them stuck on roots, rocks and glass in an aquarium. That said, this fish likes the dark more than the light. It will be mainly active at night.

It is therefore an excellent choice if you are looking for algae-eating fish for your outdoor pond. In addition, these small tropical fish can cohabit with Tetras and Amazonian cichlids. On the other hand, there may be friction with Corydoras and shrimps.

3. Black-striped Barbel

The black-striped barbel loves algae so much that it is nicknamed “the algae eater”! This fish native to the ponds of Asia is best suited to large ponds since it can reach a size of more than 15 centimeters. Its suction cup mouth clings to rocks, plants and the walls of ponds to clean it. In addition, it is particularly effective in sucking up black algae.

Important: These fish can be aggressive, so check their compatibility with other fish before placing them together.

4. Grass carp

Grass carp or grass carp are real gluttons when it comes to eating algae. Of course, it is also huge (50 to 90 cm on average). Thus, it can only be accommodated in large ponds of several hundred liters.

Grass carp eat between 40 and 300% of their weight in vegetation every day. She loves pond grass, but she also gobbles up any algae lying around. So, if you have a large pond, these will be the perfect algae-eating fish.

5. Channel catfish

Channel catfish are the most common catfish in North America. It too is reserved for large ponds or outdoor pools. And just like grass carp, the channel catfish is a species that leaves virtually nothing in its path. Moreover, this space has a very developed sense of smell which helps it to find algae.

6. Loach barometer

The pond loach is an algae eater that has the specificity of being able to breathe and move out of water. This fish gets along very well with other species such as koi and mosquito fish. That said, pond loaches tend to be a bit shy. They don't swim to be seen.

Good to know: this fish can reach more than thirty centimeters in length as an adult.

7. Molly

Another brown algae eater is the Molly fish. These popular aquarium pets are hardy and also thrive outdoors in ponds. This is a species that works well with other algae-eating fish. Be careful though, the Molly needs enough space to feel good. Opt for a tank of at least 200 liters if you want to accommodate this type of fish.

8. Farlowella vittata

This atypical fish is renowned for its long, slender body and pointed nose. It usually reaches a maximum adult height of around 16 centimeters. This species likes a minimum volume of 240 liters and needs water with a stable balance.

Although they love to devour the algae present on the roots, plants, substrates or windows, but it can quickly change location if the danger arises.

So, which algae-eating fish are you going to welcome in your outdoor pond?

Are you interested in one of these 8 species of fish? So find out about the behavior, size, needs and mode of reproduction of the species. It is important not to make this choice lightly, as most algae-eating fish have very long life expectancies.

Need more advice on maintaining your outdoor pond? Find out quickly how to prevent your water trough from freezing.

Previous article How do you prevent soil from mixing with water when preparing baskets of aquatic plants?


Gardes - September 10, 2023

Mare 80m2.profondeur 1m.Avec truites.
Depuis peu plein d’algues vertes.altitude 1100m.que faire?

Gardes - September 10, 2023

J’ai une mare 80m2 profondeur 1m.
Avec des truites.maintenant beaucoup algues vertes.

rigault - September 10, 2023

J’ai un bassin naturel pour baignade 300m3 avec 10 carpes kois.
Je voudrais ajouter des poissons pour les algues verte que me proposez
Vous remerciant pour votre réponse
Bien à vous

LEBOSSÉ Eric - September 10, 2023

Je possède un bassin extérieur protégé par murs hauts, cimenté de +- 4000 litres en extérieur, 1 m de profondeur, avec une population de 20 poissons rouges, le tout alimenté par une pompe, avec un bac “lavage eau”, un bassin de rétention et des plantes aquatiques … et de la boue verte que je retire régulièrement avec une épuisette appropriée. Un poisson nettoyeur serait-il utile ? Si oui, lequel ? Comment se procurer le poisson idoine ?

Pupin - June 10, 2023

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lavaure - August 16, 2022

nous venons d ’installer des plantes pour une lagune de piscine
bien entendu les algues sont présentes
le bassin ne fait que 20 cm de profondeur sur 10 m de long
quel poisson pourrait etre utlisé pour ces algues
nous sommes sur le depart. du cher
merci et bonne journée

Martine - May 25, 2022

Nous avons un bassin avec quelques poissons rouges et avons introduit des nénuphars. Nous cherchons un ou deux poissons mangeurs d’algues a introduire. Que nous conseillez vous? La profondeur du bassin est de 70cm et le diamètre fait 3 m. Il y a une petite pompe qui fait circuler l’eau 24h/24. Merci de votre réponse.

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