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Pourquoi avoir un bassin de jardin

Why have a garden pond

A garden pond is not just a decorative piece. If you are lucky enough to invest in a pond, do not hesitate! This will contribute to the ecological balance of the garden. In this article, we give you the reasons why you absolutely must have your garden pond.

Build a pond

Previously only in the park of the castle, the basin is now accessible to all. Garden centers, websites and specialist shops offer a wide range of products, and everyone can create a pond at home. Technically speaking, it's not very complicated, and financially, everyone can use a small pool. The benefits are so numerous that you will inevitably be attracted!

A fascinating power

The garden pond is a dream window. The water reflects the sky and blows with the slightest wind. The gentle stream of water or waterfall, the gentle sound and the tranquil scene of the wing of the fishes are undoubtedly a place of contemplation. All that remains is to install reclining chairs or benches nearby in order to take full advantage of these quiet moments.

A part of nature

The basin makes it possible to reproduce a part of nature in the enclosed space that constitutes the garden. Water is an essential element of life. No matter the size of a body of water, it will attract many animals. Some of them are necessary helpers to maintain the balance of the garden, others will provide them with food and some will pollinate the surrounding plants.


In addition to its undeniable ornamental character, pond plants will also be used as natural filters and purifiers for pond water. If the body of water is large enough, you can add fish that are happy to kill mosquito larvae.

Your pond and its surroundings will quickly develop a rich life, thus ensuring the balance of the garden.

Playful and educational side

The children are always surprised by the existence of the pool; it's an honor to watch frogs bathe on lily pad orchids in the sun, meditate on the iridescent reflections of dragonflies, and marvel at water spider slides. The whole world opened up to them, arousing curiosity and questions. If adults spend time with them and take an interest in pond life, it will be a joy to share and experience moments with others, which will remain in the minds of children and last for many years.

Pond advice

A prefabricated pond can make your life easier. Shells of varying sizes can be square or rectangular to suit modern layouts, or curved to give a natural look. If you choose the simple style, surround the basin with parquet, palms or large pebbles of marble and gravel. Consider placing a garden felt underneath to prevent volunteer plants from being disturbed. A layer of water will improve the decorative effect and can also oxygenate the water, making it transparent for longer. The rustic style is complemented with rockeries, river pebbles and plants. Either way, the eco-friendly filtration system is chosen, which is a better choice for garden animals to better quench their thirst.

Some ponds include built-in planting areas that are shallower than the bottom, making it easier to install plants and pumps. In small ponds, one to three plants are enough, especially filter species that reproduce on their own. Rhynchophore blooms all summer and belongs to the papyrus family, it is planted in moist soil on the edge of a horizontal embankment or a prefabricated shell. Avoid lettuce as it can quickly become overwhelmed otherwise you will need to uproot it regularly.

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