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Algues filamenteuses dans un bassin ou un étang : comment les éliminer ?

Filamentous algae in a basin or pond: how to eliminate them?

How to remove thread algae in a basin or in a pond? If you have a body of water, you could be faced with the problem of these rather invasive algae. Do these algae present in your pond bother you and are you looking for a solution to eliminate them?

Filamentous algae have an impact on the aesthetics as well as the health of the pond

How to remove thread algae in a pond or basin?

Rest assured, there are several solutions to limit or even eliminate the presence of algae in your pond. It is important to act as quickly as possible, using the right method. If you delay doing the necessary, it will be more difficult to get rid of it.

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The first thing to do is to carry out a water analysis with the appropriate equipment . You will have to check several parameters:

  • pH
  • GH
  • K.H.
  • NO2

If necessary, also check the level of phosphates and nitrates. You can purchase a test case (see photo below), which will allow you to analyze these different parameters in a few minutes.

The JBL Aquatest Koï Lab test case, a very practical accessory for monitoring water parameters

Important: before carrying out an algae treatment (which you can find here), it is essential to check the hardness (GH and KH) of the water in your pool. This treatment should not be done if the hardnesses are not corrected.

Why do I have algae in my pond?

String algae, invasive plants that can affect pond health

What causes thread algae to grow in a pond? Algae can arrive for several reasons in a body of water. In most of the situations we encounter when we visit our clients' pools:

  • Fish overpopulation
  • Filtration too limited compared to the volume
  • Too many nutrients in the water
  • Not enough aquatic plants
  • Very clear water (a lot of UV in the pond)
We will have to distinguish several things: internal and external factors
◾ Internal factors: overpopulation of fish, poor quality food or too much food in the pond, lack of aquatic plants, too many nutrients because the filter is not suitable, mud in the body of water, etc.
◾ External factors: rainwater can be loaded with nutrients (phosphates and nitrates), these nutrients can come from fields, crops, etc.

Why fight against the proliferation of filamentous algae?

First of all, be aware that thread algae ensure the balance of your basin or pond. But their presence has significant consequences, both negative and positive. If these algae are present, it is often for several reasons:

  • An overpopulation of fish
  • Not enough aquatic plantssan>
  • Filtration not maintained enough or a filter that is too limited
String algae can grow very quickly

The development of filamentous algae occurs naturally, even in a difficult environment. Their appearance is explained by the presence of three factors:

  • water temperature
  • The presence of the sun
  • The presence of nutrients in the pond.

Even if you have poor water quality, the development of thread algae is still possible. This is also sometimes the case in good quality waters.

What solutions to eliminate filamentous algae?

To fight against the proliferation of filamentous algae, you can opt for different types of solution ( to be found right here ):

  • a solution against algae
  • a natural solution
  • an artificial solution

You may also be interested: the presentation of Biobooster+ , a miracle product for aquatic ponds

Collection of products against thread algae

chemical solutions

If you choose the first solution, be aware that different processes can be considered. Find some of them below.

copper sulphate

One can, for example, resort to the use of copper. For this, it is important to turn to copper sulphate: this allows you to effectively combat the presence of filamentous algae.

Another advantage: its low economic cost. This is why the use of copper remains the most commonly used chemical solution. In the liquid chelate form, you will not only fight the algae on the surface of your pond or pond, but also the string algae in the bottom.

However, you should know that the use of copper does not only have advantages. If you use it for a long time and in too large a quantity, you will get a bioaccumulation of sediments.

In addition, certain species of fish tolerate copper very poorly. It may therefore be wise to alternate with aluminum peroxide or sulphate.

After using the peroxide, it is necessary to remove the algae to prevent them from falling to the bottom of your pool. Compared to copper, peroxide is also more expensive, but remember to use the recommended dose.

aluminum sulphate

Aluminum sulphate has a very fast action, directly eliminating thread algae on contact. It consists of oxygen and therefore poses no risk to fish in the pond.

This substance starves thread algae and is a preferred solution if you want clean water in your pond. It is not strictly speaking a herbicide, but its action remains similar. Thanks to the aluminum sulphate, the phosphorus is then bound and the thread algae can no longer feed.

Nevertheless, this substance must be seen as a temporary solution , because its action is not long-lasting. In the long term, the string algae will decompose and turn into organic matter, encouraging the proliferation of new algae.

Natural solutions to get rid of thread algae

If you do not want to use chemicals, it is perfectly possible to choose natural solutions in order to eliminate thread algae.

The cleaning of the basin

First, a cleaning of the basin is necessary, consisting in removing the plants using a digger. A particularly effective solution, because not only will you get rid of thread algae, but of all the nutrients used for their nutrition.

Be vigilant all the same during this manipulation, avoiding leaving the algae near the pool. If ever heavy rains are triggered, the algae could end up in your pond again.

Use beneficial bacteria

Beyond the use of the digger, it is recommended to use beneficial bacteria. Use living organisms that will aim to eliminate thread algae from the pond. Indeed, you should know that beneficial bacteria are able to feed on excess nutrients present in the water.

Thanks to their action, the algae will gradually die. The beneficial bacteria are not intended to contribute to the death of its algae, but rather to regulate it. For effectiveness to be at the rendezvous, it is necessary to respect the prescriptions. For example, avoiding coupling them with herbicides, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die very quickly.

You may also be interested: the list of oxygenating plants for a balanced pond

The artificial solution for the elimination of thread algae

Another technique is to use ultrasound. By using the resonance of ultrasonic waves, you can effectively remove harmful algae. It is a proven process, based on very serious scientific research.

Concretely, you must obtain a transducer , totally immersed in your pool. This device will be able to generate the sound waves that will penetrate the gas vacuole. Therefore, thread algae will not be able to survive.

This solution, which is very effective, is still expensive and its effectiveness remains limited on ponds. The action of the ultrasonic waves must systematically be adapted to the quality of the water, so that its action against the plants is optimal.

Is it possible to introduce animals that feed on filamentous algae?

Some fish such as carp will allow you to regulate the algae in your pond. Still, carp won't do you any good if you specifically want to fight string algae.

If you have unwanted plants, you can also use barley straw . It is a particularly interesting alternative to herbicides. Indeed, thanks to its presence, the pH level will then drop, as will the carbonate hardness of the pool.

Barley straw, an excellent alternative for the fight against filamentous algae

Under these conditions, you have water with a better balance and you have much better control over the growth and proliferation of thread algae. As soon as barley straw comes into contact with water, it produces peroxide. A recognized substance for the elimination of unwanted plants.

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corvasier - July 6, 2023

Algue filamenteuse dans bassin aquatique, volume 30 m3
suite à vos conseils je cherche à acheter du sulfate de cuivre ou d’aluminium.
dans quel magasin je peux me les procurer?
personne ne commercialise ces produits
Merci de votre réponse

vermoeren - July 6, 2023

j’ai fait un test et legh et le kh est beaucoup trop haut.Que dois-je faire?

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