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Combien de poissons dans un aquarium de 60L?

How many fish in a 60L aquarium?

How many fish in a 60L aquarium? How many fish can you put in a 60L aquarium? It is one of the best-selling aquarium volumes on the market.

In this volume of water, the choice of fish and plants is limited. Despite everything, there is a way to have fun and transform this aquarium into a great ecosystem. Treat yourself to the plants, the decoration, and use a well-adapted filtration system.

If you go to a store specializing in aquariums , you may come across the advice of the elders, namely "1 centimeter of fish per liter of water". In fact, it's a bit true but everything will depend on the species, and especially on its size in adulthood. It will also be necessary to think about the mode of reproduction of the fish that you add to the aquarium.

You shouldn't take this advice literally, but you will have to look at the types of fish you want to add to a pond.

> Discover our 60L aquariums by clicking here.

How many fish in my 60L aquarium?

It is important not to overpopulate an aquarium. Overcrowding in an aquarium can lead to disease, parasites, and stress. To choose the population, several factors must be taken into account:

  • Adult fish size
  • water quality
  • Filtration system
  • Fish behavior

Before selecting fish it is necessary to know the parameters of its water. It is complicated to make community by varying too many species in a 60 liter aquarium. For example, a fake neon needs soft, acidic water. Conversely to tap water in our regions, often hard and basic.

Do you know the FISHIPEDIA site which references freshwater fish and all the information you need to know if you can introduce them or name them in your body of water? It is an online encyclopedia.

Which fish in a 60L aquarium ?

This is given for information only. This information may vary.

  • Neons: +- 15 subjects
  • Guppy: +- 10 subjects (be careful with males and females).
  • Cherry barbs
  • Almond tetras (be careful with other fish).
  • mosquito fish
  • Dwarf tetraodon (be careful with other fish).
  • Betta (solo)

You can also buy freshwater shrimps (rasboras) :-) In a 60L aquarium, you don't need more than two species per fish.

Here is also a list:

  • Fish under 5cm: 5 liters per fish
  • Fish between 5 and 10 cm: 10 liters per fish
  • Fish over 30CM: 30 liters per fish

In the world of aquariums, a 60 liter aquarium represents a classic. Indeed, you have the same advantages of large and small aquariums, but the choice of the population remains limited.

However, an aquarium of this size remains relatively easy to maintain and you will have no difficulty positioning it as it should in your home. Thanks to its many advantages, you will be able to have fun with the choice of fish, as well as with plants or decoration.

This is why the 60 l size remains particularly popular with all fish lovers.

Which fish are compatible with a 60 l aquarium?

Initially, you certainly want to have an aquarium full of life with very beautiful fish. Nevertheless, it is necessary to check that your fish is indeed compatible with the size of your tank.

The first indication is based on not exceeding 1 cm of fish for each liter of water you have in your aquarium. Nevertheless, this first indication is not to be taken at face value, because other parameters have to be taken into consideration. In addition, make sure not to overcrowd your tank, because it is a harmful element that causes stress in the fish.

In addition, you will have more polluted water, encouraging the development of diseases. Unfortunately, if you have an overcrowded tank, it will be nature that will restore the balance so it is better not to go into this situation.

Fish selection criteria

When you buy fish from a pet store, you should know that they are juveniles. As a result, they have not yet reached their final size. Before falling in love with a particular color or shape, take all the necessary information about its adult size.

For information, if you fell in love with a small goldfish which measured only 2 cm when it was purchased, know that it can reach an adult size approaching 20 cm. The second criterion is based on the water parameters. Each species of fish has its own preferences with respect to this parameter. You must therefore always adapt the hardness and pH of the water to the type of fish you want to put inside. For a more temperature-sensitive species, you always have the option of heating your aquarium.

Once again, fish from a pet store come from very specific breeding, spanning several generations. This allows them to be much more flexible compared to wild specimens on water parameters. However, this does not absolve you of having to be vigilant. The third criterion is based on the temperament of the fish.

Indeed, all species do not adopt the same behavior. Some are aggressive and others much more peaceful. Some fish also prefer to live in pairs while others live alone, as is the case with the fighter. This is why the temperament of a fish is another absolutely essential parameter. This is an essential criterion for building up a varied population while avoiding aggression and therefore avoiding generating stress.

Some species such as kuhli or corydoras love to stay on the ground, so you have to be vigilant on the ground surface, without necessarily taking into consideration the height of your tank. But if you choose neons, know that these fish will be more comfortable when you have a larger frontage width.

Fish compatible with a 60 l aquarium

With a volume of 60 l, the possibilities are endless. You will therefore have the choice among the species of fish to select. Whether they are living species alone, in pairs or in schools, it all depends on what you are looking for.

Again, do not overpopulate your tank, otherwise you will have an imbalance and lose several fish. First of all, also make sure that the species is indeed compatible and do not forget to respect the rules of cycling. If this is the case, you avoid experiencing certain inconveniences with your aquarium.

If you prefer to have a solitary species, the fighter is a standard fish to discover in the 60 l tank. If, on the other hand, you prefer to have a couple of fish, you can set your sights on honey gourami or killi cap lopez. Concerning the shoal species, they will be much more numerous as with the cory habrosus, the blue eyes, the ornate rasbora, the uppy endler or the microrasbora galaxy.

In an effort to have a more diverse population in your 60l aquarium, you can also incorporate snails and shrimps. Other species are also compatible, as long as the water parameters are in line with the species you have chosen.

Example of a population for a 60 l aquarium

Now that you have determined the fish you want to put in your aquarium and once you have defined the water parameters, you must make the different species of fish live together. Overall, there are 2 type populations, i.e. a shoaling species or a pairing species.

If you still have doubts about the fish to put in your 60 l aquarium, you could opt for cap lopez killi with 6 females and 2 males. For more animation in your tank, you could also put a dozen red cherry shrimp. The advantage with this type of population lies in having an easy-care and peaceful aquarium. Moreover, the species you have mixed are absolutely not aggressive with each other.

Another possibility is to set up 2 benches in your 60 l aquarium. The introduction of 6 Corydora habrosus with 4 female guppy and 2 male guppy will be absolutely perfect. The Corydora will be at the bottom of your tank while the guppy will be halfway up. The entire space of your aquarium will thus be occupied and there is no risk of aggression between the two species.

If you are looking for another possible combination, you could introduce a male fighter to your tank with an accompaniment of 10 Microrasbora galaxy.

Even if the fighter is a species that likes to live alone, it can accommodate the presence of other species, as long as you have enough space. As long as the bench of ten individuals is in place, they will not be stressed when they cross the road of the fighter.

Choose the right aquarium

It is better to invest in a 60 l aquarium with all the necessary equipment. Therefore, you won't have to waste time choosing suitable accessories, because they will be integrated directly into your aquarium.

This includes the heating system, the lighting as well as the filtration system. Nevertheless, there are disparities between each manufacturer, hence the need to carefully check the equipment you want to buy.

In some cases, heating will not always be included. However, it will not necessarily be necessary to acquire it depending on the species of fish you want to put in your tank.

Now that you have all the information at your disposal, all you have to do is choose the fish you want to put inside.

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