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Comment enlever les algues sur les plantes d'aquarium?

How to remove algae on aquarium plants?

How to remove algae from plants in an aquarium? Algae is the worst gear any aquarist in this world would want to get stuck in. Here are some tips for easily removing algae from plants.

In aquariums, algae is an endless evil that is difficult to eradicate. An aquarium without algae is aesthetic, and above all, it is better for the well-being of your fish.

The first thing to do if you have algae in an aquarium is to analyze the water ( see kits for analyzing water in aquariums ), and then use a treatment against algae ( see right here CLICK to see possible solutions for removing algae in an aquarium ).

Algae can go so far as to force the aquarist to stop his aquarium and store the aquarium in the attic. Rest assured, we have several solutions to limit algae in your aquarium, and especially to remove them from your plants. It sometimes feels like no matter what you do, these sticky, slimy algae are clinging on and growing stronger and stronger.

Here are some products that work very well to limit algae:

> Click here to discover the range for treating algae in aquariums.

In aquariums, algae are classified into two groups namely good algae and bad algae. Good algae are often in small quantities in an aquarium. Their presence indicates good water quality. They are most often eaten by algae-eating fish.

The development of good algae is thus very limited. Good seaweed is easy to clean, as it is easily torn off. Bad algae when it comes to them is invasive and disgusting to look at. Their presence in an aquarium reflects very poor water quality. However, the proliferation of good algae is as many times to be avoided as the proliferation of bad algae.

This is because of the enormous inconvenience they are likely to cause to aquarists. However, the presence of algae on the plants of an aquarium is not the result of chance. It is particularly caused by imbalances related to the aquarium.

The quality of the water, the level of lighting and the frequency of water renewal are among the factors that influence the presence of algae on the plants of an aquarium. Algae proliferate very quickly and their causes are numerous.

I t is therefore recommended that you concentrate on their eradication as soon as you notice the first contamination of the water in your aquarium. Therefore, to be able to fight algae effectively, you must recognize them. Here is the list of different types of algae.

The different kinds of seaweed

green algae

There are two varieties of green algae: string algae and encrusting algae.

• String algae can take on different colors, namely green, gray or brown. They look similar to fibrous cotton filaments and tend to cling to artificial decor, plants and window panes. Also, they are easy to remove by hand.

The presence of filamentous algae reflects the existence of an excellent balance within the biotope.

Generally, filamentous algae are small in quantity and do not disturb the balance of the biotope. String algae become harmful when they grow excessively to invade the entire aquarium. In this specific case, they will smother the plants, prevent them from receiving light and kill them. The development of filamentous algae is often favored by the excessive presence of nitrate, iron and phosphate.

Also, unsuitable lighting (too intense) as well as the use of old T5 or T8 tubes can just as well promote the development of thread algae.

  • Encrusting green algae are most often found on the surface of aquarium glass as greenish crusts. They are favored by too intense lighting and can be removed easily. Their presence reflects good water quality.

Blue or cyano algae

Blue algae also contain bacteria. They bear this name because they are composed of a pigment which gives them blue, green or even black tints. Blue algae are recognizable by their acetone smell, by their small air bubbles, and by their viscous veil. In general, blue algae are found in aquariums that are sorely lacking in maintenance and in aquariums that have just been started.

They are found precisely on the windows and on the decorations of the aquariums. Blue algae are caused by an imbalance in the aquarium. They can easily be vacuumed with a hose. To limit the development of blue algae, you can check the nitrate and phosphate levels of your aquarium water.

red algae

Red algae are generally found in sea waters. However, some species of red algae have adapted to life in fresh water. Red algae often settle on low-growing plants. Also, they spread easily in environments that lack carbon dioxide. Red algae can, however, resemble green algae. To tell them apart, you have to immerse the red algae in alcohol. As a result, for true red algae, the red pigment should remain intact and the green color should fade completely.

Brown algae or diatoms

Unlike other types of algae, brown algae tend to appear in environments with low or insufficient light. Also, they can appear from the first uses of the aquarium.

Brown algae are recognizable by their proliferation on the decorations and plants of an aquarium. They spread in particular in the form of fine brownish dust resembling rust. Just run your finger over a brown algae to make it disappear.

Also, brown algae tend to disappear on their own after a few weeks of existence. Brown algae can be favored by excessive silicate concentrations.

Other names of seaweed

  • Algae with beards or brushes: They have the appearance of small bushy hairs of short size which take on black, gray or even dark colors.
  • Green water: this name refers to a variety of small algae that are suspended in the water. These algae are found in aquariums that are too exposed to sunlight. In general, they prevent the growth of aquarium plants.
  • stag horn seaweed
  • ...

Eliminate algae on your aquarium plants

To remove the algae that are on the plants in your aquarium, you must resolve to fight the algae throughout your aquarium. Here are some actions you can coordinate to remove algae from plants in your aquarium.

Take proper care of your aquarium

First, to remove the algae that are on the plants in your aquarium, you must perform an intensive cleaning of all the components of your aquarium. With that, you need to brush the decors, scrub the panes, and vacuum the depths of your aquarium using a siphon. Then you simply need to remove the leaves of plants on which algae have settled. Finally, you must clean the filters. Also, to eliminate algae on aquarium plants, it is necessary for you to perform a water change on a regular basis. You must then change at least 10% of the volume of water in your aquarium per week.

You should also introduce CO2 to your aquarium to speed up plant growth. This is because algae cling less to fast-growing plants. Also be careful not to overcrowd your aquarium with fish. This is because they produce a lot of nitrate and phosphate which promote the development of algae. Also, avoid overfeeding your fish, as leftover food contributes to algae growth. Introducing algae-eating fish to your aquarium, however, can help reduce the presence of algae. Finally, you must keep your aquarium away from natural light as well as intense lighting. The development of algae will thus considerably slow down and there will be less algae on your plants.

Organize a chemical counter-attack to eliminate the algae deposited on the plants of your aquarium

There are a multitude of chemicals that can help you combat the spread of algae that clings to your aquarium plants. These chemicals are usually designed with special active components. One can for example cite a special active component which is copper. Also, you can settle for a simple antibacterial aquarium product to slow down the development of algae. However, anti-algae chemicals are certainly effective, but not highly recommended. They are not recommended, as they may harm the development of your plants. If your plants are not growing properly and are small in stature, the algae will reappear and cling to them again.

Use lighting to eliminate algae on plants in your aquarium

Light is a key factor that contributes to the propagation of algae. You can then eliminate the algae on the plants of your aquarium by installing lighting adapted to your aquarium. Also, you should set the lighting times to between 8 and 10 hours maximum per day. Also make sure the light is not too strong. By doing this, you will force the algae to grow less and settle less on the plants in your aquarium. In short, to remove the algae on the plants of your aquarium you must eliminate the algae present in the entire aquarium. You now have everything you need to remove algae from your aquarium plants. So get rid of the algae on your aquarium plants!

Previous article Aquarium turning green, what to do?


saint -maxent - June 11, 2022

Bonjour dans mon aquarium j’ai des algues filamenteuses j’ai effecrué plusieurs traitement
mais elles reviennent j(ai du c o 2 mon drop checker est vert
Pouvez vous me donner un conseil merci

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