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Qu’est-ce que les algues pinceaux et comment s’en débarrasser ?

What is brush algae and how do you get rid of it?

A recurring problem in aquariums is the presence of algae. In this article, we are going to talk a little more about brush algae.

seaweed brushes

Brush algae are, to the naked eye, those algae whose colors are black with blue reflections. They are also part of the red algae family. They usually grow in small clumps, not exceeding more than half a centimeter in height and are quite easily recognized.

It is also one of the longest and most difficult algae to remove permanently from your aquarium. This algae attaches itself everywhere and very strongly in your aquarium, on windows, rocks, roots, the filter, heating and even on gravel.

How to remove brush algae

Unfortunately, to eliminate this type of algae, it must be done manually and therefore gradually remove all the small clumps that grow with your hands. This is a very time-consuming process and you will need to use a window squeegee and a sponge brush with scraper to properly clean rocks and roots, as well as parts of your filter if they are affected.

On the other hand, if ever the algae have grown on your plants, the latter will be lost because you will not be able to remove the brush algae from the leaves. You must cut them up and throw them away.

Precautions to avoid the appearance of brush algae

If we cannot remove the brush algae from the plants, we can however prevent them from growing in the aquarium by trying to find out where the imbalance comes from. Indeed, they must remember that if algae grow in our aquarium, there must necessarily be an imbalance between light or water parameters such as nitrates and phosphates.

High PH level

The first cause of the appearance of algae is often due to a high pH level. A high pH level is when the pH is between seven and nine, this will promote the appearance of brush algae. And it's often a recurring problem in goldfish aquariums and African cichlid aquariums.

Strong stirring or strong current in the aquarium

A second cause favoring the appearance of brush algae is strong mixing and therefore a strong current in your aquarium. This problem is very common in aquariums that have circulation pumps or have a very powerful filter that stirs the aquarium water a lot. You may also notice that these algae can have the unfortunate tendency to settle on the discharge tubes of your filter since this is where there are the most currents.

It is therefore important to remember that the appearance of algae in your aquarium means that there is an imbalance somewhere and that you must therefore test the water in your aquarium in order to identify the cause and to treat this imbalance. .

What elements to test and how to eliminate them?

The first thing you need to test for: nitrates.

If you have too many nitrates in your water, it means that you have not done enough water changes or that your filter is not powerful enough for the organic load, in other words, you may have too much. Pisces. Indeed, an overpopulation of fish can often be the cause of algae problems in aquariums.

The second element to test: phosphates.

Phosphates are always present in our water and plants need them for their growth. It is therefore not an element that must be had at zero milligrams per litre. It is important to have a little bit of regulated phosphate. And it is also important to have a balance between nitrates and phosphates. Ideally, you should have ten milligrams of nitrates for every milligram of phosphates. If for example you have nitrates at 20, which can happen, you would need to have two milligrams of phosphates. It will therefore be necessary to pay close attention to this balance between nitrates and phosphates. In addition, if you have too many phosphates in your aquarium water, you will promote the growth of algae to the detriment of that of plants.

Nitrates are easily eliminated , you just have to do water changes and they will be eliminated automatically. You can easily fall back on an adequate nitrate level. 

For phosphates, on the other hand , it is a little more complicated because most of the time, when we have a water problem, it is often due to the fact that tap water is already loaded with phosphates. So, no need to change water for this type of problem.

So to eliminate phosphates from your aquarium water, you will have to use anti-phosphate resins. Anti-phosphate resins are a mass of filtration in small balls to put in your filter and which will then neutralize the phosphates.

If despite the reduction of nitrates and phosphates, the brush algae still persists and grows, then you should test the iron. Iron is like phosphate, you need it in your aquarium water because plants need it to grow.

If you have an iron deficiency, the plants will tend to yellow. But if you have too much iron, the algae will benefit from it to the detriment of the plants. The ideal level of iron in your aquarium water should be between 0.05 milligrams per liter and only 0.1 milligrams per liter. If you have a few clumps of brush-on algae starting to appear here and there on your decor and window panes, you need to remove them right away and of course, test your water.

A little tip to limit the appearance of algae in your aquarium: do not hesitate to add fast-growing plants. These plants will capture nutrients faster than algae can. So they can counteract the appearance of algae.

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