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How to avoid cloudy water in your pond?

How to avoid cloudy water in your pond?

If you notice cloudy water in your pond, it raises big questions. That is to say, do you have water with green colors or particles in suspension with rather brown water. If you have green water, you have too much algae.

On the other hand, if you have brown water, then you have too much suspended solids, ie food and mud.

A water analysis is required

Before taking corrective measures, it is imperative to analyze the water by insisting on certain parameters such as NO2, GH, KH and Ph.

If you have green water, it would be interesting to also test phosphates and nitrates. Depending on the results you will obtain, you will be able to steer yourself in the right direction.

The causes of cloudy water in the pond

As seen above, different causes can explain that the water in your pool is not clear. You may have a disturbance in your biological balance or a filtration system that is not working properly. Among the most common causes are:

  • A malfunction in your filtration system.
  • Excessive exposure of the pool to sunlight.
  • You have reworked the oxygen plants.
  • After difficult weather conditions, soil has unfortunately spilled into your pond.
  • You recently renewed the water in the pool and it has not yet found its biological balance.

The solutions to consider to find clear water

Rework the filtration system

Filtering is an effective means of combating the phenomenon of cloudy water. For effective filtration, the entire volume of the pond must be treated at least five times a day.

For this, it is perfectly possible to move towards ecological filters operating by decantation through filtering and natural elements. However, there are other equally effective filtration systems and it will always be necessary to adapt it to the volume of your pool.

Do not hesitate to use oxygenating plants

If you colonize your pond with the right plants, your pond will regain its clarity. It will be necessary to use submerged plants such as watermilfoil or elodea. For the elimination of impurities in a natural way, you can also introduce specific products containing micro-organisms.

In other words, these are bacteria directly contained in the product you use and their mission will be to reduce the level of nitrites and nitrates. Indeed, it is these two elements that feed harmful algae and therefore the pollution of your pool.

Regarding oxygenating plants, do not hesitate to use them, but for efficiency to be achieved, it is imperative that they colonize two thirds of your pond. However, it will take a little time to achieve this, usually a single season.

Do you know the effectiveness of barley straw?

When the water in your pond has a brown or green tint, you probably have algae that has grown too much. Even when the water in your pond remains completely covered, it is possible to use barley straw. You pack a small boot and tie it down underwater.

For example, you can use a stone or a brick and you renew the boot every six months. It is a particularly effective treatment and it saves you from having to resort to chemical treatments, because sometimes the use of these components is unfortunately not compatible if you have fish.

Monitor fish development

When the fish have a substantial population, it is not uncommon to find yourself with a pond overrun with algae. This is explained by the rate of nitrogen which increases greatly due to fish excrement. However, nitrogen is recognized as a growth stimulator in aquatic plants.

When you have higher than average phosphate, nitrate and nitrogen levels, you simply have the favorite cocktail for the proliferation of green algae. To avoid this, it is important to control the growth of your fish in relation to the pond surface.

Don't let leaves rot in your pond

When the plants decompose in your pond, they will release nutrients favorable to the multiplication of algae. To avoid this phenomenon, it is imperative to eliminate the foliage at the level of the bank, but also on the surface of your pool.

To facilitate the operation, it is perfectly possible to use a net that you position on the surface of your pond. An excellent device for collecting dead leaves during the autumn period.

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