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Comprendre le principe de la profondeur de plantation dans un bassin aquatique

Understand the principle of planting depth in an aquatic basin

May and June are the best months to create new plantations in your ponds.

We are going to explain to you a very important concept where many people, easily, make mistakes. This concerns the planting depth.


Understand the principle of planting depth.

Many people have plants in their ponds that die, not because the plant is not of good quality, but often because they put them too deep in the ponds.

A typical example: the Bletilla Striata. It is a plant that should be planted between
+5 and +20. But what does that mean?

If zero (0) is the water level, +5 is the crown of the plant 5 cm above the water level, up to 20 cm above the water level, and not 5 to 20 cm under water. So when on a label, it is put plus (+), it will mean that the plant must be planted above the level of the water and that the collar of the plant must be higher than the surface of the pond.

Another plant, which can be placed deeper in the basin: Sagittaria Latifolia can be placed from -5 to -30. So 0 is the water level, -5 will be 5 centimeters below, and -30 will be even deeper. So minus (-) will mean that the crown of the plant may be under water.

If I take the Outounia, a plant again above water level, so between 0 and +10. Zero will be the water level, and +10 will be 10 cm above the water level.

The last example plant is Pontederia, a plant that can go deeper into the pond. It means between -10 and -60. If 0 is the water level, minus 10 cm is the crown of the plant 10 cm under water and -60 will be the crown of the plant 60 cm under water.

It will therefore be necessary to respect these planting depths, because if for example you put it at zero instead of 5, the plant will not hold up.

Floating basket : How does it work?

When creating their pond, many forget the shallow areas, that is to say the areas where there is 15 to 20 cm of water to be able to plant marsh plants. This is why there are floating baskets in the trade.

The floating baskets are made with a fridge tower woven into it. These baskets allow you to plant a plant like Bletilla Striata, which will stand 4 to 5 cm above the water level, so you can simply place these baskets on the water .

This will allow you to have floating islands .

You will have the possibility of attaching them to fix them in a well-defined place.

Or, you can also attach them to each other so as to create large areas of floating marshes , fixed in one place, or which will move with the wind.

Types of floating islands .

There are four sizes of floating islands to choose from:

  • In small sizes a small round and a small square.
  • In larger size large squares and large circles.

Other merchants offer baskets that will go directly into the floating baskets, that is to say that you will only have to put the basket directly in the floating island and place it on your pool.

In conclusion, to properly maintain your aquatic plants, you must respect the principle of planting depth to optimize your investments in your pond and prevent your plants from perishing; moreover, if you have trouble understanding or putting this concept into practice, don't panic, because you have the choice of using the floating baskets , easy and practical to install, they give a nice look to your plant in the pond and there are all types and sizes.

We told you everything, we hope to have enlightened you on this subject, now to work and it's up to you to play!
Previous article How do you prevent soil from mixing with water when preparing baskets of aquatic plants?

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