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ecume bassin

I have scum on my pool, what should I do?

Here is a phenomenon that is frequently encountered when you have a basin or a pond in your garden. Do you have scum on your pool and would like to get rid of it? Here is an article that might interest you to solve the problems of white foam on the pond!

This white foam, which is actually scum, comes from the buildup of protein usually from overeating or poorly digested food at some point. The first question to ask yourself:

  • Do you distribute quality food? And if so, aren't you giving out too much food? Little reminder, everything must be gone within five minutes.

One of the methods that works really well to reduce the amount of scum is the use of bacteria (aquipond type) that you can find by clicking here .

It can also come from an overpopulation of fish or from a badly adapted filter. This white foam can also appear at the start of the season when the pool is not yet colonized by bacteria.

►►► We advise you first to carry out a water analysis, to reduce the food , to carry out a small water change and to work well with liquid bacteria (at the beginning of the season) and in powder form .

It is also necessary to clean your filtration system well, and check that it is sufficient in relation to the volume of water and the load of fish.

If you want to speed up the process, there are products like bactocool which quickly eliminates the scum from your body of water. You can also install a surface skimmer , this makes it possible to very effectively suck up all the dirt falling on the surface, in particular foam. You can find the necessary products by clicking on the buttons below.

On the other hand, in the case of a new basin, this phenomenon is quite normal . This must remain temporary and go back to normal in the following weeks. It is also possible that when the temperatures between day and night vary greatly, the basin produces foam at the level of the waterfall. For any questions, we remain at your disposal via


Previous article Downflow or upflow lagooning for my natural pool


El Bordelais - July 6, 2023

J’ai nettoyé mon bassin, puis je l’ai rempli à nouveau, environ 1500L d’eau du robinet j’ai posé une cascade et un filtre dans lequel on m’a conseillé de mettre un produit " sera pond filter biostart " malgré cela beaucoup de mousse dans le bassin, je n’arrive pas à m’en débarrasser. Que puis je faire pour avoir une eau plus clair ? Et sans mousse ? Merci

Millan. Daniel - May 17, 2022

Bonsoir première fois que j’ai de l’écume dans mon bassin depuis 35 ans quand je ne fais plus allé ma cascade tout redevient normal sa peut venir de ou

Fauqueux - April 24, 2022

Bonjour à tous , quand vous dites, cela peut provenir de la filtration,ok, mais filtre trop petit? Trop grand ? Merci de votre réponse et bon week-end

Edouard - December 10, 2021

Je me permets de faire partie de votre discussion et voudrais vous parler de mon expérience suite à cette mousse.
Ça fait 10 ans k j’ai un bassin 5 M3
5 koï .et c la première année k j’ai de l’écume et mon habitude a pas changer ….
Remplacer l’eau 2 fois en 3 semaine les 3/4 et tjrs encore .mon eau est cristal et les mesure sont parfaites..
Mais tjrs encore de l’écume..
K faire??
Si vous pouvez partager une expérience similaire..c sera avec plaisir
Edouard de Strasbourg

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