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Est-ce qu'on peut mettre du bicarbonate de soude dans un bassin à poissons?

Can you put baking soda in a fish pond?

Can you put baking soda in a fish pond? The first thing to ask is, why put bicarbonates in a pond.

It is not recommended to put baking soda in a basin especially if you exaggerate in the dosages. We recommend that you carry out a water analysis of your pond first.

There are often three main problems that you may one day encounter if you are the proud owner of a garden pond.

These are the 4 problems that we most often solve with our teams (in the field or remotely). In this article, we explain how to carry out the water analysis, solve concerns in a pond and enjoy a clean pond with clear water.

Analyze pond water

Before using a product in a pool, we recommend that you check your water hardness (GH+ & KH+). These two values ​​are essential before carrying out a treatment in water. It will also be necessary to check the pH and nitrites which are essential elements to check before using a treatment in your garden pond.

Determine the source of the problem in the pool & if necessary use a solution such as the biobooster

Use a biobooster to treat algae and burn it off. This solution is less risky than using baking soda. Cava above all allows you to eliminate some of the algae and silt present in your pond. The biobooster is an excellent alternative to baking soda.

If you respect the dosages and you have analyzed the water, there is normally no danger for your fish. It is a product that we have been using for more than 14 years with many customers and which has proven its worth.


Attention, before using bicarbonate in a pond, we recommend that you seek the advice of a specialist. In the past, bicarbonate was used in the aquatic environment as a neutralizer and pH regulator. Bicarbonate is also used in an emergency to neutralize the effect of a treatment or drug poorly tolerated by fish.

The bicarbonate conditions the water when filling new basins, especially when the regional water is hard, calcareous, or treated.

Usual dosage : 10g./m3 with fish and up to 30g./m3 without fish

Use in chemical pool

Sodium bicarbonate is an economical solution that many pool owners use as a supplement to obtain clear water after winterizing, control TAC, eliminate algae and clean pool filters and accessories.

To remove algae and debris, sprinkle white baking soda powder on the water line at the rate of 40 to 50 g of sodium bicarbonate per cubic meter of water. The bicarbonate must then be given time to dissolve, observing a waiting period of about ten hours.

Do you own a pond? Find out how to solve most of the little problems you may encounter if you ever create a water feature.

List of questions asked in comments with the response of the Foudebassin team.

X: " Hello, my water is green , the water in the pond where there are fish is green. I changed the UV lamp, I added bacteria and a product for algae. It's still green! What should I do. I've had the pool for a very long time and I'm used to it. Please tell me what to do."

Foudebassin's response on green water : The first question to ask is whether the water analysis is correct, namely: pH, GH, KH & NO2. These are the essential parameters that you will have to test. Then check if the UV lamp is well adapted to the volume of water.

We recommend 4W/M³ of water if the pond is exposed to the sun. 3W/M³ of water may be sufficient if the body of water is little exposed. If despite all that it was not clear, it is necessary to check the power of the pump. Everything must be passed in two hours in the UV filter + filtration system . Despite all this the water remains green? There remains the flocculant solution that you can find right here .

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Annick - September 5, 2022

Bonjour, l’eau du bassin où il y a des poissons est verte. J’ai changé la lampe UV j’ai mis des bactéries et du produit pour les algues. C’est toujours vert!!!
Que dois je faire. J’ai le bassin depuis très longtemps et j’ai l’habitude . Merci de me dire quoi faire.

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