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Quel eau faut-il utiliser pour remplir un bassin de jardin / étang ?

What water should be used to fill a garden pond / pond?

Good water quality is the basis for a healthy pond. Water plays a very important role in the pond. Its quality should be checked several times a year to enjoy a clear pond with healthy fish and plants.

What water should you put in when you fill your pool for the first time? We advise you to use water that comes from a spring or tap water. In nature, a pond is often fed by spring water.

Fish and plants need hard, mineral-laden water. We strongly advise against filling your pool with rainwater that is too low in minerals and very acidic.

If you fill your pool with tap water, you will have to take the water before your water softener.

You have no choice and you filled your pool with rainwater? It is important to control the GH and KH of your pool. We advise you to carry out a water analysis and seek the advice of our specialists via

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Ossowski - July 6, 2022
Le 6/ 7/2022

Bonjour j ai un Aquarium de 350litres j ai aussi des petits poissons rouges de bassin ils sont pour le moments dans un petit aquarium de 40 litres d eau remplit avec de l eau de pluie quelle eau peut on utilisee pour remplir mon aquarium de 350 litres
l eau de robinet laisse des marques de calcaire peut on remplir l aquarium de 350 litres avec de l eau Osmosee ? dites moi pourtant les poissons de bassins dehors ont que de l eau de pluie
Cordialement Ossowski

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