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Quelle pompe pour une piscine naturelle?

Which pump for a natural swimming pool?

Which pump for a natural swimming pool? Are you looking for a pump for a natural swimming pool? There are several questions to ask. First of all, what is the filtration system used for your natural swimming pool? Do you have a "bead" system, a mechanical filter, lagooning? Or several solutions?

These several filtration systems will determine the pump to choose for your natural pool. If you have a shark-bead type system in mechanical filtration, you will often work with a self-priming "swimming pool" type pump.

Most of our customers have a mechanical filter + lagooning (filtration by plants). There are different types of facilities.

  • Suction in the swimming area with a pump, or bottom drain, to then discharge the water under the lagoon (if possible).
  • Suction in the lagoon area through a drain system connected to the pump, in general, a pumping chamber is created in the lagoon, connected to drains.

To choose a natural swimming pool pump for lagooning, it is recommended to pass all the water in your natural swimming pool once every two hours. If you have a 20M³ swimming pool, you will opt for a 10,000L/H pump which crosses the lagoon.

There are two types of lagooning:

  • downflow
  • upflow

Click here to discover our pumps for natural swimming pools . We recommend that you provide a lagooning area of ​​+-30% compared to the total volume of your natural pool.

If you have any hesitation about choosing the pump for your natural pool, you can click on the bottom right to open a discussion with one of our experts (we all have 10 years of experience to answer this type of question). Remember to leave your email, we are not always online.

Previous article Downflow or upflow lagooning for my natural pool


Mr Guitel Nathan - September 10, 2023

Bonjour je suis à la recherche d’une pompe pour piscine naturel, mais je ne sais pas la quelle serait le mieux adapté. Ma piscine sera en partie filtré pas un lagunage + une pompe à gravillons.
Et la totalité fait 146m3 dont 38 son réservé pour le lagunage j’espère que vous pourriez m’aider à y voir un peu plus clair en vous remerciant par avance.

Cordialement Mr Guitel Nathan

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