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Quels poissons pour mon bassin d'extérieur?

Which fish for my outdoor pond?

You have just created your pond and you are wondering about the different types of fish you can put in your garden pond. Most fish live about fifteen years. Goldfish and koi carp can even reach the age of 25 if the conditions are optimal.

If you have a well-designed outdoor pond and want to put fish in it to beautify it and bring it to life, you need to know which types of fish are most suitable. The size of the tank will determine which species and how many fish you can introduce into this space.

From goldfish, ide melanote, sturgeon to koi carp... Which fish to choose for your pond? Take into account the characteristics of the fish. There are fish that dig the bottom, others that eat the plants, others that are almost invisible due to their camouflage and fish that reproduce very quickly. You can put several species together. In principle each species of pond fish goes with all the other species in the pond.

pond fish

To successfully populate an outdoor pool, you need to choose its inhabitants carefully. There are two very resistant species which can live more than 25 years . These species are cyprinids: koi fish and crucian fish.

  • Koi fish . This breed of carp is extraordinarily hybrid. Its color palette is very wide. The prices also fluctuate a lot.
  • Crucian fish . Goldfish are also cyprinids. Like koi, they are very hybrid and have various shapes and scales. They are golden fish.

koi carp

It is the star of the pools, the most beautiful specimens of which come to us from Japan, where it is revered and brings love and virility! Originally Chinese, the colored varieties come from crosses between carp of different colors.

(Cyprinus carpio) is the star of large ponds. Fish "lucky", it would be from Japan. But the first wild species would have been bred by the Chinese a millennium BC. This fish is adorned with a great diversity of colors. Capable of reaching 60 to 90 centimeters and living more than 50 years, it is easily tamed. Eating out of a man's hand does not scare him. With its red and orange spots on a white background, the specimen presented in the photo (Tancho hohaku) is one of the most appreciated by the Japanese.

(Cyprinus carpio) is the star of large ponds. Fish "lucky", it would be from Japan. But the first wild species would have been bred by the Chinese a millennium BC. This fish is adorned with a great diversity of colors. Capable of reaching 60 to 90 centimeters and living more than 50 years, it is easily tamed. Eating out of a man's hand does not scare him. With its red and orange spots on a white background, the specimen presented in the photo (Tancho hohaku) is one of the most appreciated by the Japanese.


Before falling for this somewhat enigmatic resident, you should know that unlike other fish that stop feeding below a temperature of 8°C, the sturgeon must also be fed in winter.


Is easy to breed in a pond with the comet variety (with long fins).

Ides melanotes

Needs space. Slender in shape, she is a good swimmer and moves quickly. This fish is a predator that stays close to the surface. • It chases away insects that have fallen into the water and mosquito larvae; a significant advantage! • It comes in two colored varieties, orange or pale blue. It is a gregarious fish that only likes groups of 4 or 5 individuals minimum.

The golden ide is one of the ornamental forms of the melanote ide (Leuciscus idus) just like the blue, yellow or orange ide. This fish lives near the surface, moving to shallow edges. It slightly disturbs the water while swimming and feeds mainly on insects. At maturity, around the age of five, it measures 30 to 40 centimeters in length.

Minimum dimensions of an outdoor pool

Outdoor pools must have minimum dimensions and volume for this to work well. The most important dimension is the depth because outdoors, the pool must withstand the cold winters and the summer heat wave without the fish dying for one of these reasons.

The ideal depth is 80 cm minimum . It will allow the fish to withstand extreme cold and heat waves. The ideal volume is as follows: 1 fish of 10 cm for 50 liters of water. Therefore, as the fish grow, the pond will need to be depopulated or water will need to be added.

It is also important to put some aquatic plants to provide shade and create a micro-nutrient. The best are water lilies and water lettuce.

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