This wind chime includes 7 stones corresponding to the 7 energy centers of the human body. They are aligned vertically on the leaf, like the chakras that are aligned along the spine.
According to Eastern tradition, the chakras (wheel in Sanskrit) condense, distribute and transform vital energy in the human body. Each chakra has specific attributes and a unique healing power. Recently, Western scientists have discovered that they correspond to the 7 main nerve ganglia starting from the spine.
7º - Violet - Amethyst - Crown Chakra - Spirituality, self-knowledge
6º - Indigo - Lapis lazuli - Chakra of the third eye - Perception, intuition
5º - Blue - Turquoise - Throat chakra - Expression, sound
4º - Green - Aventurine - Heart chakra - Love, compassion
3º - Yellow - Citrine - Chakra of the solar plexus - Power, growth
2º - Orange - Carnelian - Sacral chakra - Sexuality, creativity
1º - Red - Red Coral - Root Chakra - Physical needs, identity
The spiral-shaped weather vane represents the kundalini energy which, coiled around the root chakra, awaits the evolution of the human being to unite with cosmic energy.
Let yourself be won over by the harmony that emerges from the sounds and colors of this attractive wind chime, available with a silver or bronze finish.