Green Away - Anti-algae from House of Kata for 10.000 liters
Green Away for 10,000 liters
- Allows to limit filamentous algae
- Prevents the formation of algae
- 50G per 1000L of water
- Harmless to fish & plants
When you have built a beautiful pond, the sight of cloudy water is a worrying factor. By using Green Away, water turbidity is reduced and you keep your pond water quality under control. Green Away extracts nutrients from water and prevents green water. Economical use thanks to low dosage. Harmless to your fish and plants. The solution for a clear pool and also suitable for swimming pools. The UV lamp can stay on and continue to do its good job.
Dosage/Usage: 50 grams per 1000 liters of pond water. Dissolve Green Away in a bucket of water and spread it over the surface of the pond. The pond may become cloudy at first but will clear within 24 hours. For maintenance, administer once a month. Contains sodium bicarbonate, WPE. 500 grams per 10,000 liters of pond water.
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