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Élever le tilapia en aquaponie

Raising tilapia in aquaponics

Today we are going to talk about tilapia, this famous fish native to the African continent. Before discussing the disadvantages and advantages of farming tilapia in aquaponics, we will review its history and classification. We will then see how to raise tilapia and take good care of it.

The origins of Tilapia

Do you wonder about the origins of tilapia? As mentioned above, this endemic fish originally comes from the African continent. It is therefore found in almost all parts of Africa, with the possible exception of North Africa.

It can also be found in the Jordan Valley. Indeed, this region is supplied by water coming from the south of the Galilee Sea, and streams of tilapia originating from these places.

Tilapias, fish native to the African continent

There have been rumors that tilapias are artificial fish, created in laboratories. But it is nothing. In this case, tilapia fossils have since been found: their dating places them at around 18 million years! Moreover, in Egypt, one can still find representations showing hieroglyphs of tilapias about five thousand years old.

Now the question is whether the fish undergo genetic modification or not. In this case, the answer is yes: genetic modifications are indeed made to fish, for various reasons. Beyond that, tilapia remains a natural species on our planet.

The different species of Tilapia

Let's now move on to taxonomy, where we find the classification of important tilapia species. So far, more than 70 species of tilapia have been recorded around the world. However, of these 70 species, only eight or nine are truly commercially viable.

A red tilapia evolving in a basin

That said, farming tilapia is relatively easy. Indeed, it is rare that he falls ill. They are naturally enduring: many of them recover without antibiotics, or even without any treatment. These different parameters make tilapia a very suitable fish for tank culture.

The benefits of farming tilapia in aquaponics

Tilapias, tough and resistant fish

One of the first advantages of tilapias is that they are friendly fish and generally very hardy. For many people, especially those new to fish farming, tilapias are going to offer a lot of leeway.

If the water is of poor quality, chances are the tilapia will survive. Of course, you might have slight deaths here and there. But on the other side, you will be able to really push the limits.

⭐ You may be interested: our guide to analyzing the water in your pool

Fish more tolerant to ammonia and nitrates

Tilapias can survive higher or lower levels of ammonia and nitrates. At the same time, carbon dioxide levels could be quite high. If you are new to aquaponics, you can really start with tilapia.

This will allow you to try and test things, while building your experience in this discipline. Then, you will still have to take care of your aquaponic pond .

Growth and feeding of tilapia

Tilapia is one of the most famous fish among farmers and in aquaponics. They are generally forgiving when it comes to adaptation, so you will enjoy incredible growth and proliferation. It is a fish that grows very quickly, especially the males. They reproduce a lot: an adult female can produce 250 fry!

Tilapias eat everything, they are omnivores . Any insects that may accidentally fall into the water will serve as a meal. Plankton is good food for fish, but not enough for it to grow. At the same time, they also eat certain fruits and vegetables.

Disadvantages of certain tilapia requirements

With the right climate, you will be delighted with the results. These are the right species to keep. It is not uncommon in France to have tilapia breeders. You don't have to be in the tropics, but you will need warmth and certainly have them in a greenhouse where you can create favorable conditions for these super fish, namely a mini tropical climate.

You can also install a heating system for your fish tanks .

Tilapias like warm waters, with temperatures around 28° to 30°. However, they can live between 15° to 35°. For aquaponics enthusiasts located in mainland France, we recommend choosing Niloticus and Mossambicus tilapias.

So, given these constraints related to temperature and energy expenditure for heating, if you're in a colder climate, then you're probably better off raising something else. But it's still a great fish!

If you have ever raised tilapias, send us a comment, if you have any questions do not hesitate.

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jaquet - March 25, 2024

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merci d’avance

lebar - March 21, 2023

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Hocquigny - November 19, 2022

Bonsoir je cherche des TILAPIA ou puis je en trouver ? Merci

Hocqui - November 14, 2022

Bonjour je souhaiterais acheter des Tilapia j’habite Dijon comment faire ? Merci

Hocqui - November 14, 2022

Bonjour je souhaiterais acheter des Tilapia j’habite Dijon comment faire ? Merci

Eric - October 22, 2022

Bjr je débute dans l’ voudrais me fournir en tilapia adulte non stérile 3 couples et 200 alevins pour le 2eme bassin .merci de me communiquer le contact et marche à suivre.salutations

Vanessa - July 4, 2022

Bonjour . je débute un élevage de mossambicus en bac de 700 litres. Comment fabriquer sa propre nourriture.

La température joue t elle sur la fécondation ?
Merci de votre retour.

reynaud - March 7, 2022

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