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Comment réaliser un aquarium amazonien ?

How to make an Amazonian aquarium?

How to build an Amazon aquarium yourself? The Amazonian aquarium is increasingly popular in France and abroad. And while it's not the most obvious choice for a beginner, anyone can make one.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to choose fish and plants for your Amazon aquarium, and also how to maintain it.

What is an Amazon aquarium?

An Amazon aquarium is also called an Amazon basin or an aquarium biotope. And if it is called like that, it is obviously in connection with the Amazon. The Amazon is a hot and humid region of South America. It is more exactly a vast plain crossed by the Amazon River (Río Amazonas) and its confluences.

In addition, a large part of this region is covered by the Amazon rainforest. It is estimated that around 2,500 species of fish live in the Amazon basin. Aquarium fish are mostly found in small streams, as these spaces are calm and rich in vegetation.

The narrower the rivers, the more the marine animals are protected by the flora located on the banks. This is why many species native to the Amazon prefer subdued light.

Reconstructing the Amazonian biotope in an aquarium requires some meticulousness. Among other things, your Amazon aquarium should first of all offer a lot of plants and as many hiding places.

Which substrate to choose for your Amazonian aquarium?

The soil should consist of a layer of nutrient substrate. In doing so, the many plants that make this biotope special have a sufficient supply of fertilizer. A heating cable with a power adapted to the volume of the aquarium can be installed on the ground to allow better circulation of trace elements.

For the substrate of the aquarium , distribute gravel of a small, non-cutting grain over a height of at least five centimeters. In terms of color, choose a dark shade. This will bring out the colors of the fish, but also create a calmer atmosphere.

Of course, you can also choose another substrate such as sand or pebbles. Either way, make sure the material you use doesn't cut so your fish don't get hurt.

What size jar should you choose to make an Amazonian aquarium?

The size of Amazonian aquariums is variable. It ranges from 60 liters for the smallest volumes to 300 liters for South American dwarf cichlids and up to 450 liters and more to accommodate discus, for example. On the filtration side, a filter with a flow rate of 3 times the volume of the aquarium should be sufficient.

What is the ideal water temperature for an Amazonian aquarium?

The water temperature of an Amazonian aquarium can vary depending on the species, from 24°C to 30°C, especially for the maintenance of the discus. The pH must absolutely be less than 7 and may go down to almost 5 for certain varieties of marine animals.

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Water hardness should be very soft. To do this, you will need to mix osmosis water with tap water. Finally, you should pay particular attention to the nitrate level, which should not exceed 30 mg per litre.

What varieties of fish should I introduce into my Amazon aquarium?

Limiting the fish to the Amazon region seems like a difficult task at first. But if we take a closer look at the subject, we realize that there are more than 1,500 known species of fish in the Amazon.

So, here is a list of the main fish species in the Amazon:

  • Golden Ancistrus
  • Apistogramma Cacatuoid
  • Corydoras Trilineatus
  • discus
  • Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi
  • Hemmigramus Bleheri
  • Otocinclus
  • Paracheirodon innesi
  • Pimelodus pictus
  • Scalar
  • Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi.

List of Amazon aquarium plants

Amazonian aquariums are generally heavily planted. They need plenty of light and regular fertilizer. Many plant species are native to the Amazon biotope.

It is therefore easy to recreate a 100% Amazonian environment. However, you can add plants from other geographical areas without detracting from the aesthetics and balance of your Amazon aquarium.

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Here is a non-exhaustive list of plants native to the Amazon:

  • Vallisneria spiralis
  • Echinodorus bleheri
  • Echinodorus parviflorus
  • Hydrocotyle leucocephala
  • Ludwigia repens
  • Myriophyllum mattogrossense
  • Sagittaria subulata
  • Limnobium laevigatum
  • Mayaca fluviatilis
  • Myriophyllum elatinoides
  • Potamogeton gayi
  • Salvinia minima

Amazonian plants like temperatures around 25°C. It is already possible to install plants in small containers, but a larger aquarium naturally offers many more possibilities of arrangement.

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In the Amazon, water quality is not the same everywhere, which is why different plants have different requirements. Thus, we advise you to adapt to the types of plants you buy and to test your water regularly.

By doing this, you will know if its pH, its nitrate level and its hardness are in line with the needs of your fish and your plant species. Finally, don't hesitate to add as many roots as possible to amber the water and release tannins.

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How to clean an Amazon basin?

An Amazonian aquarium requires significantly less maintenance than you might imagine at first glance. However, certain steps must be followed.

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1. Remove waste that floats on the surface of the water

If debris or droppings float on the surface of the water, start by removing them with a small landing net .

2. Clean the substrate

Next, you will need to clean the floor of your Amazon aquarium to remove any detritus that falls to the bottom. For this, we recommend the use of an aquarium vacuum cleaner. Do not hesitate to pass your hands in the plants upstream so that the dirt present on your plants falls to the bottom.

3. Clean the inside and outside of the windows

For the inside of the panes, use a special squeegee for aquariums. Ideally, opt for a wide model and a finer squeegee to clean the moss in the corners. Algae in the corners may be difficult to remove. In which case, equip yourself with a slightly abrasive sponge to be able to overcome it!

4. Change as much water as needed

Does your aquarium shine with a thousand lights? Then it's time to change some of the aquarium water. In general, you will need to change between 15% and 25% of the water in your Amazon aquarium.

Before adding water, check its chlorine level. If this is high, let your water sit in bottles or a container at least a week before. This latency time will allow the chlorine in your water to evaporate naturally.

Finally, add water of the same temperature as that already present in your aquarium and as gently as possible so as not to disturb your biotope.

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Why is it essential to change the water in your aquarium every week?

It is essential to change part of the water in your aquarium every week in order to maintain stable water parameters. Otherwise, you risk having too high nitrate levels, which would endanger the well-being and health of your fish.

Not to mention that some species are more sensitive than others to water hardness, pH, water temperature or fish germs. So, to find out if your water is suitable for your fish, perform a test!

How to test the water in your aquarium?

The easiest way to test your aquarium water is to buy a complete test kit from a pet store or garden center. The main elements to monitor are ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH.

Test kits for aquariums

These compounds will be largely controlled by a good mechanical, chemical and biological filter. But it is not always easy to obtain a perfect balance. So check the water levels in your aquarium regularly.

⭐ It can be useful for you: our guide to help you control the water in your aquarium


Ammonia is the main cause of fish kills. It is the first part of your aquarium's nitrogen cycle and comes from waste products produced by fish and uneaten food.

Whatever your type of aquarium, the ammonia level of your water must be insignificant. If the level is abnormal, the water could be toxic to your fish and should be treated with an ammonia remover.


Nitrites are the second part of the nitrogen cycle. They are the result of the breakdown of ammonia by the natural bacteria in your aquarium.

Again, nitrites are toxic and their concentration should not exceed 0.0 ppm. To lower nitrite levels during a cycle, use a conditioner.


Nitrates come from the breakdown of nitrites. This compound is not particularly dangerous for fish, but if its level increases, it can stress the inhabitants of the bowl.

For freshwater aquariums, the nitrate level should be below 40 ppm. Acceptable levels vary between saltwater ecosystems, but are generally lower. Proper filter media and regular water changes help keep nitrate levels low.


Recommended pH levels vary depending on the type of fish you are keeping. A pH between 6.5 and 7.5 is generally safe for most freshwater fish, while saltwater fish thrive in higher pH water (between 7.9 and 8.3 ).

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In summary, the Amazon ecosystem includes a large number of fish and plants. Because of this, it is quite simple to get close to the natural environment of the Amazon. What's more, it creates a pretty stunning aesthetic look.

Nevertheless, be sure to change the water in your aquarium and clean it regularly (as you do for your personal dwelling). And for even more aquarium tips, keep browsing our blog!

Now it's up to you to create your Amazonian aquarium!

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